View Full Version : Dave Barry's Year in Review: 2009

12-28-2009, 12:46 PM

He had some pretty good jokes in his column. A few of my favorites were:

"California, in a move apparently intended to evade creditors, has its name legally changed to ``South Oregon.''

"In an alarming technological development, hackers shut down Twitter, leaving a desperate and suddenly vulnerable America with no way to find out what the Kardashian sisters are having for lunch."

"But the big story in October, the story that grips the nation the way a dog grips a rancid squirrel, is the mesmerizing drama of a silver balloon racing through the blue skies above central Colorado, desperately pursued by police, aviation and rescue personnel who have been led to believe that the balloon contains O.J. Simpson.

No, that would have been great, but the authorities in fact have been led to believe that the balloon contains 6-year-old Falcon Heene, the son of exactly the kind of parents you would expect to name a child ``Falcon.'' "

Funny stuff. Anyway, I found the link on Glenn Reynolds blog. His blog is great with interesting links on politics, health, science and culture. Here's the link to his blog:


Warning, it's very addictive and informative.

12-29-2009, 12:25 AM
Thanks, I've always loved Dave Barry's humor. BTW who or what are the Kardashian sisters? Sounds like a Star Trek creature.
