View Full Version : Fish hurting himself when i'm not around

12-29-2009, 03:34 PM
So I come look at the fish in the morning and I set whitish bruised face and side, like it ram its head and side against the clay breeding cone or something. I've noticed discus tend to be twitchy and sometimes they semi dart. The female from the pair doesn't ever get hurt but every other day i find the male with some wounds on his face.

I've been putting melafix to help him heal up but i don't know whats going on. I don't ever see them fighting or anything.

12-29-2009, 05:33 PM
Melafix is, IMO, useless. I understand this pair is in breeding mode and they are fairly new? Is the tank cycled? What is the temp/ water stats and water change regime? Is it possible the "bruise" is slime coat that got wiped off? Can you post a pic?

12-29-2009, 05:47 PM
Tank cycled, 82-83 degrees. I do a 25% wc everyday. This only happens to the male. The female had a very small cut that already healed.




12-29-2009, 06:28 PM
My blue scorps beat themselves up all the time. I treat 'em like toddlers- don't let 'em have anything sharp. the ends of the canister filter tubes are rounded smooth w/ fine sandpaper, as are the water changing tubes. I removed the clear chimneys on the sponge filters because the fish still got scraped on the ends, even though they'd been sanded. They still flip out sometimes, particularly when being fed, dash into the tank rim or crossbar, knock the heaters off their mounts. I'm rounding & smoothing the rim and crossbar edges on the next tank...

One of them has been named "Bash", for obvious reasons...

My RSxAF have more of a tendency to just huddle when upset (they still bolt sometimes), but the scorps try to blast out of there, every fish for himself...

They're my big, beautiful, blue boneheads, and I do my best to take care of 'em... a little salt seems to help them heal, seems to have a calming effect as well. Probably not good in a breeding tank...

12-29-2009, 09:00 PM
That RM looks extremely ill, there is evidence of white nodules on the body and the fish looks to be shedding slime. This may be why the fish is crashing around.


12-30-2009, 11:46 AM
Eddie, the white spots are way smaller today. They usually come and go but they never seem to get worse. I have been feeding new life pellets, formula 1 flake, beedheart and hikari worms. If this is signs of hole in the heath then i don't know what else to do about their nutrition. The fish eats fine and poos black.

12-30-2009, 06:32 PM
Updates from today, the small white spots over the eye are gone, there is a new one though. I can see some pitting/erosion on the area above the eye. I'm not sure if this is normal with males or not. He still poos black and has a decent appetite. They have a balanced diet.



12-30-2009, 08:25 PM
I'd salt dip that fish and return it to the tank dosed with Malachite Green.