View Full Version : a little skitish

01-03-2010, 04:48 PM
my discus have been very skitish lately when i walk to the tank the just scatter all around and hit in to the walls and everything. and they dont seem to be attacking the food like they have in the past. they used to eat out of my hand. but now they just wait till it hits the ground. and when i am away from the tank they are all swiming around pecking at eatch other and everything.

01-03-2010, 04:52 PM
What is your water change schedule? Nitrite level? ( as well as ammonia and nitrates)

It is always best to post water parameters when inquiring on these problems. Give actual parameters, not just "parameters are fine". It helps, because you would not believe what some think are "fine".


01-03-2010, 04:59 PM
i just did a big water change about 75% like about 30 mins ago or so and i try to change it around like 3 times a week. they last couple weeks have been pretty busy. i will be checking the water in a little while