View Full Version : Casanova male discus

01-05-2010, 10:36 PM
Has anyone ever had a new discus introduced to the tank who tries to link up with every single female in the tank??? With that, females already paired up starting to favor this particular male? I have a pair of which the female sort of split with the original male (who had several spawns with her) for the new male. On top of that, I came home from work today and the new male spawned with one female, was fanning the eggs, but also running over to another peice of wood to clean with the other female of my original pair who is currently doing dry runs with him. I damn near need Jerry Springer to do a piece on my discus. I told the LFS about this and they were cracking up because they had never heard of this. I've had this discus for 5 days and all of this has happened. All of my original discus are beautiful discus from Gwynnbrook Farms. "Casanova" is a new little guy I got from the S.C. distributor of Han's discus.

This definitely isn't a problem with me but I thought it was worth posting for the humor.

01-05-2010, 11:20 PM
That is really humourous, how are the other males taking the new Casanova? I think you should name him Don Juan DeMarco. BTW, did you happen to QT this new guy before putting him in your tank? A good idea, especially with new discus.

01-06-2010, 08:09 PM
Well the other male of the original pair went on cleaning a site for the female and tried dancing for her but as soon as he would then the new one would come straight up between the two and dance for the female who would then stray off with him. It's like the original male was too oblivious to what was going on infront of him (it's like melrose place in my tank).

Meanwhile, as far as QT'ing him, that would've been smart. I've lost a tank full of great wilds a long time ago due to just that... you'd think I'd learn my lesson. I even have a 30 gal set up for such but I've reserved it for a pair soon.

01-07-2010, 10:54 AM
Watch the male that lost it's mate, sometimes they quit eating and get in a real bad funk over the situation. Usually they will fight the new intruder, but I don't think he realizes what's going on yet. These guys never cease to amaze.

01-09-2010, 12:58 PM
nope, the original male is still a moron to what's going on. kind of sad... like some sort of thing you'd see in people that are just oblivious to it all. meanwhile, casanova still dances for the original female but when it comes to the one that spawned with him he proved to be a good tender of the eggs. he caught the spawning female eating eggs, chased her off, and wouldn't let her back. the eggs weren't fertile though because he's probably waaaay too young yet. some day i'd really like to get some little ones out of him with the brilliant turquoise he's paired with. she's got awesome coloring and he's a freakin' awesome cobalt who is solid vibrant cobalt with lots of red/cobalt striations (that a word?) on his fins and gill plate (good job Gwynnbrook and Hans!).

unfortunately, I can't get anyone to come through on my other posting asking for some pictures of the prodigy from a male tangerine with a female brilliant turquoise. I'm most may not turn out to be all that pretty but would love to keep a few that have some fun markings. If successful then I'll give the rest to the LFS for store credit. That way maybe they can sell them for less, get more people hooked on discus with them, and get a solid discus craze going on. The con to that is having some substandard discus going around though... but pros still may out wiegh that con.