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01-12-2010, 02:59 PM
just wondered if anyone else has experienced this
my discus are only active and happy when both me and my partner are at home in the room......
if its just one of us they almost sulk in a corner......but the minute we're both here they love it, swim around, clean for spawning, eat well etc
what's that about?

01-12-2010, 07:49 PM
not sure, but I do know that my Discus def. freak out when I come home/come in the room. they can spot me all the way across the house, or even if Im walking by the room with the tanks, even for a split second, they will all stop what they r doing, and JET to the top corner of the tank where I feed them. they are smarter than they look! ;):D

01-12-2010, 07:55 PM
mine are always at the front of the tank, begging for food. doesnt matter who is home. they dont really like it when my 2 year old slams on the glass with both hands though. :D

01-12-2010, 08:18 PM
mine are always at the front of the tank, begging for food. doesnt matter who is home. they dont really like it when my 2 year old slams on the glass with both hands though. :D

Mine also do not like my 1 year old slamming on the glass, don't the ifhs understand he just wants to play. ;)

He fed the fish for the first time the other day, it brought a tear to Daddy's eye. The downside is, now he wants to feed the fish every wakened moment.

I think I need to get him some juvies to grow out. Maybe I should wait until he is old enough to do his own water cahnges. :)

To the OP, my Discus definitely come out more for my sister in law, than for either myself or my wife. And what makes this more strange is my wife and her sister are identical twins.

- Stew

01-12-2010, 08:53 PM
I think I need to get him some juvies to grow out. Maybe I should wait until he is old enough to do his own water cahnges. :)

- Stew

Maybe ;)

Jason K.
01-12-2010, 11:17 PM
they call me the worm guy.

01-12-2010, 11:32 PM
Mine know pretty much everyone in my house. As everyone has a part in feeding them :). Even tho for some reason they love my dad and he does do anything to them LOL. But they know my mom and I the most. Always up front :). I have never heard of them being scared if its just one person versus two but if you always fed them and took care of them with you both there then they know thats the routine and if it changes they dont like it.

01-12-2010, 11:47 PM
Mine know pretty much everyone in my house. As everyone has a part in feeding them :). Even tho for some reason they love my dad and he does do anything to them LOL. But they know my mom and I the most. Always up front :). I have never heard of them being scared if its just one person versus two but if you always fed them and took care of them with you both there then they know thats the routine and if it changes they dont like it.

My routine is no where near consistent and mine don't seem to mind. It's been that way since I've had them though so that could be why. :-p

01-13-2010, 12:30 AM
Mine are shameless beggars, doesn't matter who it is. The only thing that they don't like is when the dogs are running around playing and Max's tail wags into the front of their tank.


01-14-2010, 11:41 AM
How many do you have? Does your tank provide shelter/hiding places? And do you have any tankmates with them?

01-14-2010, 11:52 AM
My hair is black, and my partner's is blond/light brown. My discus all come to the front surface when i come over to look at them, and they just stare when he does the same. i think the hair color does help them figure who will feed them. mike:)

01-14-2010, 12:32 PM
MIne don't seem to care who is there. There are 3 who are peaceful and come to see who is there, 1 who sulks at the back most of the time, and 1 who attacks the glass if I put my finger against it. My 11 month old son thinks its funny. They definitely have a lot of personality. All will eat out of my hands though. My wife feeds them throughout the day and they will swim towards the front when she walks past the tank as well. Her sister, (she is also an identical twin) gets the same response and she has never fed them. Who knows what goes on in their brains?

01-14-2010, 05:33 PM
shappers, do both of you feed them? Mine are still trying to teach my husband to feed them :alien:. His computer is close to their tank, mine across the room. They watch to see if I look over their way to beg & wait by the doorway end if I'm out of the room but only if they haven't been fed for 20 minutes or so :)

01-14-2010, 06:17 PM
MIne don't seem to care who is there. There are 3 who are peaceful and come to see who is there, 1 who sulks at the back most of the time, and 1 who attacks the glass if I put my finger against it. My 11 month old son thinks its funny. They definitely have a lot of personality. All will eat out of my hands though. My wife feeds them throughout the day and they will swim towards the front when she walks past the tank as well. Her sister, (she is also an identical twin) gets the same response and she has never fed them. Who knows what goes on in their brains?

wow, thats interesting!! do the fish swim toward the glass if a random person they dont know walks by?? or do they literally recognize ur wifes sister because they are identical twins?? COOL! :D:D

01-14-2010, 07:08 PM
wow, thats interesting!! do the fish swim toward the glass if a random person they dont know walks by?? or do they literally recognize ur wifes sister because they are identical twins?? COOL! :D:D

I did find my BKs to be extra skittish. They were always so timid but once you relaxed in front of the tank, they would be up front. Initially, they seemed to think you were gonna cook them. LOL


01-14-2010, 07:35 PM
Ditto Eddie, I find them to be the same way. good thing their looks make up for it. ;)

01-15-2010, 02:40 AM
shappers, do both of you feed them? Mine are still trying to teach my husband to feed them :alien:. His computer is close to their tank, mine across the room. They watch to see if I look over their way to beg & wait by the doorway end if I'm out of the room but only if they haven't been fed for 20 minutes or so :)

no usually just myself - but if im there alone they're quite dormant, its only if the sofa is full will they 'play'