View Full Version : Gertrude's Blue Eye Rainbowfish?

01-13-2010, 03:06 AM
Pseudomugil gertrudae "Gertrude's Blue Eye Rainbowfish"

My LFS carries these and recommends them to me in my discus tank due to the fact they wont get eaten because they swim too fast. They look super cool but I'm weary to drop cash on them. Anyone with experience? I'm worried about the my temp more or less(85F).


01-13-2010, 04:48 AM

Have a look at this link from the ANGFA society of Australia, all the information you need. Water and conditions look suitable in a discus tank, but i'd be worried they would be eaten. As the lps stated they are fast moving, still though, they are bite size. Gorgeous fish! :)

01-13-2010, 10:58 AM
Those truly are gorgeous fish, thanks for the link Rod.

IMO I would keep them in a seperate tank, I would do that no problems whatsoever ! They do look rather small and tempting for a fully grown discus, it would be a shame to risk it.

01-13-2010, 11:01 AM
... forgot to add, I've seen discus dart for small fast prey, you would be surprised at how fast they can swim (caused a rucus in my planted tank) !!!

01-14-2010, 01:07 AM
not to mention when the lights go off, and little fish are sleeping...

01-14-2010, 02:43 AM
i get them in all the time..ill send some in as a test. they like to have plant cover..and easy to breed if you have java moss. another very nice one is furcata rainbows. safety in numbers..same as the cardinals..and..make sure the discus are well fed just before you add them.otherwisewhen you throw them in..they think you are feeding them. my discus never ate guppies..so maybe they wouldnt eat them either.

01-14-2010, 04:55 AM
I think I remember reading that these things live a short life, generally a year. Could be wrong but remember reading something about it. :o


01-15-2010, 12:06 AM
I think I remember reading that these things live a short life, generally a year. Could be wrong but remember reading something about it. :o


Eddie- you are right about this according to info I've gotten from other people on the rainbowfish forums (I keep rainbows too), they apparently have a tendency to be short-lived. Breeding is the best option for keeping them long term.


P. gertrudae are capable of tolerating the high temp in a discus tank, but they might all get eaten IMHO. They are very, very beautiful fish indeed despite their tiny size and really should be kept in their own tank, preferably well planted with dark background and substrate to make the colors pop. I would love some myself, but have never been able to get hold of any after 7 years of looking. I could get them online of course, but the shipping is too much, I will only pay overnight shipping for one thing- discus from Kenny :D

My $0.02,


01-15-2010, 01:25 AM
Eddie- you are right about this according to info I've gotten from other people on the rainbowfish forums (I keep rainbows too), they apparently have a tendency to be short-lived. Breeding is the best option for keeping them long term.


P. gertrudae are capable of tolerating the high temp in a discus tank, but they might all get eaten IMHO. They are very, very beautiful fish indeed despite their tiny size and really should be kept in their own tank, preferably well planted with dark background and substrate to make the colors pop. I would love some myself, but have never been able to get hold of any after 7 years of looking. I could get them online of course, but the shipping is too much, I will only pay overnight shipping for one thing- discus from Kenny :D

My $0.02,


Haha, Let me know if you are ever around Michigan, I could help you out. I think I'm going to pass on these just for the fact of their life-span. My apistogrammas might also suffer the same fate.