View Full Version : Again eggs need advice

01-13-2010, 08:40 AM
During new year holiday my couple had eggs but only 12 wigglers no white eggs. It was first time for me and my couple. They are in my office and during this time i could not change water. No one was free swimmer.

Now they are again spawning. Question for the expert, please help.

1-Water in aquarium is Kh=4, pH=8, temp=28 C. I found water 62 micro S and total dissolved mineral 82. Do you advice to change water slowly with this one?

2-Do you advice to water changes.

3-What else i can make to keep at lease few fry.

01-13-2010, 11:16 AM
I do wc's as normal - every other day. The parents often decide that below a certain number they can't be bothered. So, while you may want to keep at least a few, your pair may want to try for a better spawn. Since they produced wrigglers on their first try, I suspect you will soon have a lot of fry.

01-13-2010, 08:20 PM
definitely not an expert but how old are they? my first pair just had their first spawn that was fertile. the female has laid eggs since almost a year old but the male is just now about 16 months and becoming fertile. they've spawned about 8 times total yet the last one has been the first in about 3-4 months. so maybe it's the male needing a little more time to be capable of producing more. if he is older then i'm not sure what it is unless the water flow is high in the area they're spawning (therefore blowing around his "mojo juice" for lack of better words... again, not an expert... just thoughts).

01-14-2010, 09:24 AM
Thanks i am changing water daily. Let's see the result