View Full Version : Stunned question?

01-17-2010, 04:03 PM
In my MT I have 7 adult discus. Anyway one is really small and skinny. He is a good eater and is aggrestive. His color seems to be a little blah. Is it possible he has worms? I've never used any meds on him. Is there something I should try? Or is it too late?

Thanks again.

01-17-2010, 06:01 PM
It's never too late to improve the health of a possibly infected fish. It may very well have worms, and if it does, it will pass them on the the other fish, if it hasn't already. I'd go with fenbendazole as long as the fish are eating well. You can get it at Jehmco.


01-17-2010, 06:23 PM
It's never too late to improve the health of a possibly infected fish. It may very well have worms, and if it does, it will pass them on the the other fish, if it hasn't already. I'd go with fenbendazole as long as the fish are eating well. You can get it at Jehmco.


Thanks:) how offen do you dose ur fish for worms?

01-17-2010, 07:39 PM
I would dose once a day for two days, then wait a couple of weeks and dose again to get any that may have hatched out since.
I deworm only if there is a reason to suspect that there is a problem.
