View Full Version : Strange Behavior at Lights Out

01-20-2010, 12:20 AM
We've been noticing that it's a whole new game in the tank when lights are turned off. My big CT who rules during the day is suddenly banished to one side of the tank by the very meak and mild Golden Butterfly who seems to guard the Blue Scorp by staying in the middle of the tank all night long. The BS stays on it's side of the tank, and if the CT even crosses the imaginary middle line of the tank the GB nudges it back to the side again.
Why do their roles change at night?

01-20-2010, 12:52 AM
The freaks come out night......the freaks come out at night. :D Sorry, just had to do it.

01-20-2010, 01:01 AM
friends....... how many have us have them.................

five minutes of funk this aint no junk.... LOL!!

thanks for bringing me back eddie...

as far as the night.. maybe the others get confidence??