View Full Version : discus problem

mike mccarthy
01-27-2010, 10:45 AM
120 gallon tank with 3 discus
86 temps.
Two canister filters

my one discue i dont know what is wrong with him i just did a big water change last night 60% of the water and he still doing this he just sits on his side at the top of the tank but once I put in food or come close to the tank he swims around and I don’t see him ever eat I just don’t know what else to do to get him to eat and start swimming around with the other 2 and right now till i can get logs my tank is almost empty I mean I got other fish but just 3 logs in there now tank I just don’t know what else to do?? U think its cuz my tank is too big and I need more fish. any recommendations.

the other fish i got are 3 very small clown fish a sunshine pleco and a small jardini aro.

David Rose
01-27-2010, 10:55 AM
Hi Mike...welcome to Simply Discus! Sorry for the trouble with your one discus. Do you have a hospital tank that you can move your discus to as soon as possible?

We like to use the following questionnaire to get a fuller picture of your set up and circumstances. Please complete. Thanks!

Take care,

mike mccarthy
01-27-2010, 11:16 AM
i do about 30% water change every day and i dont use medication
symptoms are he just flots at the top of the tank till i come close to tank or put food in then he swims around then goes back to top

mike mccarthy
01-27-2010, 02:25 PM
is there any other questions i need to answer cause im kind of new to this

01-27-2010, 07:33 PM
How long have you had these fish, and where did you get them? I ask because the one pictured seems to be very thin, almost emaciated. It may be stunted from poor care before coming home with you.

Which is not to be critical of you or your efforts in the slightest. It's unfortunate, but poorly cared for fish are often weak, damaged, even if it doesn't seem that way in the eyes of somebody new to discus.

Just guessing, but it may have some sort of internal infection, likely bacterial, which is difficult and expensive to treat unless it can be moved to a smaller hospital tank...

Unfortunately, I wouldn't hold out any strong hopes for that fish... perhaps some of our more experienced members can be more helpful...

mike mccarthy
01-28-2010, 12:24 PM
i got the fish about a week ago from that fish place

mike mccarthy
01-28-2010, 12:25 PM
i think hes bloated

01-28-2010, 12:27 PM
is this discus for sale?

David Rose
01-28-2010, 12:30 PM
From the picture, it doesn't look like bloating, but here's some more info.

Bloat or Constipation:
Symptoms: Your discus will look bloated - like he swallowed a marble. There may be an indentation behind the bloated area as if he had been pinched by your thumb and forefinger. Your discus may shimmy and shake. He may not be able to maintain his balance and will generally look uncomfortable and be dark in color.
Treat with Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate - sold in grocery stores or drug stores as a foot soak for people). One or two teaspoons of Epsom Salt per 10 gallons of water. Discus should be better in 4 hours or you can add another dose. Epsom salt will not hurt the filter or the other fish. You may dose in higher amounts of even one or two tablespoons per 10 gallons. If fish is not better in 24 hours suspect a bacterial infection. (by Carol Roberts)

Kanamycin is best for bacterial if you don’t see improvement within four hours or so IMO. Flake form is good if they are still eating, if not you will need the granule form.

David Rose
01-28-2010, 12:36 PM
How is his breathing?

mike mccarthy
01-28-2010, 01:59 PM
he seems normal except for the floting around part and not eatting

mike mccarthy
01-28-2010, 02:01 PM
is this discus for sale?

yes it is i will sell it to u for $150 i payed $200 for it no but really i wouldnt sell him to u hes great i love his colors when i see him swimming right

David Rose
01-28-2010, 02:19 PM
I included a link in my earlier post that will take you to our SD questionnaire. I could keep asking you questions, but it may take too long. It would best to copy and paste the questionnaire into your thread to answer.

If he appears normal on the outside except for the clamped dorsal fin, I would tend to think it may be an internal parasite or bacterial issue. It would be best to treat him in a hospital tank for best results and less medicine is needed; especially, if the other two are okay.