View Full Version : Metro + from hikari looks alot like salt?

02-04-2010, 04:48 PM
Does anyone know the concentration of metro in metro +?

Besides looking like salt I notice that there are companies that are selling pure

metro for much more than the $6 for 97 grams that metro+ costs.

There is also the fact that medicating is all about knowing how much you

are administering.

Thanks for any help.

02-04-2010, 07:20 PM
I have no idea what the % of metro to salt is but it is very low. I bought some once long ago before I knew any better and will never buy it again.


02-04-2010, 08:21 PM
Ive used it successfully - I have a 10 gallon QT and the dose is 10 gal per capful... in the past ive used it, every 8 hours, 50% wc until one container is gonna which is about 10 treatments or 3.3 days worth.... doing it this way ive had success with it personally. I prefer metro pills from the vet though but HAVE used this with some success.