View Full Version : Shy Discus

02-06-2010, 07:07 PM
Anyway to break their shyness?

I moved them around about a few weeks ago, and still shy.

Seems long to me.


02-06-2010, 09:14 PM
Do they have hiding places? I think the less hiding places they have, the better. Also, does your tank have a background on it? Open tanks make them skittish also. I have my tank covered on the back and sides, and very minimal hiding places.

02-07-2010, 06:31 AM
How many discus? Any tankmates? What size tank? What size discus?


02-07-2010, 02:07 PM
It BB tank, bo background, its open on one side as I walk it.
I do think they seem to take off as I walk in the room.

There are 7 adults in ths 75 gal.

After I moved some out and place a few in this happen. Before all were happy and fine.

Maybe I'll cover some sides of the tank and see what happens.
Any other tricks in solving this?



02-08-2010, 09:39 PM
Did you remove the same number as you added? Were the fish that you added new? If so, had they been in quarantine? How is their color? Are they eating OK? What is your wc regime? How much and how often? Do you age your water? What is your ammonia, nitrite, nitrate readings? Do you have potted plants? Wood? How many watts of light are you using per gallon?

02-09-2010, 09:52 AM
Hi Jim,
Sometimes theres a light source in the room (windows, overhead lighting etc). that can cause a glare on the tank... it also may prevent them from seeing you...so your appearence spooks them when they do see you.

Coming around the corner into a room where theres a tank can also spook them...

...Tank height...If you have these guys at eye level or higher and then moved them to a lower tank...they may not feel as secure.

I had one tank that used to bug out on me all the time...I could not figure it out. At the time I had my wells pump indoors...and it was loud, and really shook things up....I noticed that this tank would get really nervous when the pump kicked on...Guess it was the vibration? who knows ,shortly after that I moved my wells pump outside..and the fish never had an issue again...So check for things like vibrations where they are or high traffic .

In time though, they may settle down.
