View Full Version : New Tank!

02-15-2010, 01:07 PM
After much waiting, I finally got the 75 gallon for my guys. They are all in and seem to be adjusting well (just a little timid with the new tank and increased area). They are still eating like crazy and I will get pics up as soon as they get all settled in (prolly give em about a week or two). Any suggestions on water change schedule? I feed about 5 times a day, 2x beef heart , 2x tetra bits and 1x blood worms. I am waiting on 2 sponge filters to connect to my air lines and am running a fluval 405 on the tank. I have 5 fish at about 4.5 - 5 inches and 3 at about 3-4 inches. Also, when I do the frozen food I do one full cube at a time. Should I be using 2 cubes at a time?


02-15-2010, 10:56 PM
Just a bump in case people are missing this post


02-15-2010, 11:45 PM
WC once a day for sure with 2 BH feedings

02-15-2010, 11:46 PM
After much waiting, I finally got the 75 gallon for my guys. They are all in and seem to be adjusting well (just a little timid with the new tank and increased area). They are still eating like crazy and I will get pics up as soon as they get all settled in (prolly give em about a week or two). Any suggestions on water change schedule? I feed about 5 times a day, 2x beef heart , 2x tetra bits and 1x blood worms. I am waiting on 2 sponge filters to connect to my air lines and am running a fluval 405 on the tank. I have 5 fish at about 4.5 - 5 inches and 3 at about 3-4 inches. Also, when I do the frozen food I do one full cube at a time. Should I be using 2 cubes at a time?


also, when i feed hikari blood worms i feed 6 cubes to 12 5''-6.5" discus

02-16-2010, 02:04 AM
i do two cubes FBW/FBH/FBS for 5 juvies, 4"+

02-16-2010, 05:23 AM
Any ideas on how much water to change daily (or every other day), and possibly a better feeding setup with what I already feed (and how many cubes of each)?

02-16-2010, 06:29 AM
You should be able to drink from the tank. ;) Just Kidding, but really I'm not.

I'd say minimum 50% daily, since your fish should still have some growing to do, especially the smaller ones. Now, this is assuming that the fish are older juveniles or sub-adults. Your feeding pretty heavily so the cleaner the water, the better.


David Rose
02-16-2010, 08:03 AM
Two cubes at each feeding should be good. Keeping the bottom of the tank clean from waste after first and last feeding and at 50% water changes daily like Eddie said should keep your water quality good. For vacuuming, I use a 1/4 inch hose which takes less water, but gives you more time to get the bottom of the tank clean. That way you can vaccum at least twice and don't necessarily have to do a water change. The 50% or ore a day will be good.

02-16-2010, 01:18 PM
What I have always done was the equivalent of feeding two at a time but spread it out, say 1 cube at a time but give it to them 8 times = 4 feedings of 2 cubes. In my mind this keep as much food as possible out of the filter and bellies. Is this an incorrect assumption or will I have heavier growth feedings more at once?

David Rose
02-16-2010, 05:15 PM
As long as everyone is getting their fair share, you should be good. IME, this may not be the case with any smaller or low discus on the pecking order, so feeding two at a time works out better. You will know best from your observations.

02-16-2010, 05:32 PM
Here is what I do every evening. I have 12 discus, mostly full grown, I feed two good sized cubes of my frozen food mix. But I cut each one in half so I have 4 good sized chunks for the 12 fish. But it is really just 2 cubes, cut up so the fish have more of a fair chance at getting their share.