View Full Version : Is there a better way to lower PH then Peat Moss?

02-23-2010, 04:47 PM
I currently use a HOB filter on my discus tank and the way I lower my PH is by putting peat moss in to a bag and putting in one of the slots on the HOB filter. I monitor the ph and keep it between 6 and 6.7
I have been out of discus for 20 years and am starting up a display tank again and was wondering if this is an acceptable practice or is there a better way to control ph and keep it steady. This seems to work well and have not had a problem but I have noticed discus ph buffering products in the store and was curious how others manage the ph.:)

02-23-2010, 05:25 PM
Hi and welcome to Simplydiscus!!:) and back to the hobby!

Before you start trying to manipulate your water...can I ask what your waters parameters are out of your tap? and then aged? Do you know your GH and KH.

Using Peat is tough as a means to control pH..It works okay on a tank thats under stocked and gets small water changes... but for Juvies where you may be feeding alot and doing alot of water changes... it could make it tough. What is your tanks setup and what is your plan for this tank as far as setup and stocking? Is it planted?

Many here rely on using RO water when they want to regulate pH.. Those buffers add alot of junk to the water IMO.


02-23-2010, 05:43 PM
Hi and welcome to Simplydiscus!!:) and back to the hobby!

Before you start trying to manipulate your water...can I ask what your waters parameters are out of your tap? and then aged? Do you know your GH and KH.

Using Peat is tough as a means to control pH..It works okay on a tank thats under stocked and gets small water changes... but for Juvies where you may be feeding alot and doing alot of water changes... it could make it tough. What is your tanks setup and what is your plan for this tank as far as setup and stocking? Is it planted?

Many here rely on using RO water when they want to regulate pH.. Those buffers add alot of junk to the water IMO.

I have never measured GH or KH. Out of the tap my water is anywhere from 7.0 7.6. I am currently in a 29g but moving to a 55g. I have 5 small to medium discus and in the new setup I want to do a fair number of plants. I am just looking to do a nice little display tank.

02-23-2010, 06:56 PM
Just keep the water clean and warm. Do not worry about the ph and they will be fine.


02-23-2010, 08:27 PM
Agreed, why mess with the pH? Unless you have liquid rock, there's really no need to alter the pH for discus. As long as your KH is good your water parameters will be stable.

02-24-2010, 12:30 PM
The moment I learned not to worry about PH and discus it all came to me and my discus thrived!

The low PH myth has long since been discounted by most, replaced by a stable nonfluctuating PH.

Ive kept them from 5.5 to 8.5 depending on the water where Ive lived, never looked back :)

02-24-2010, 12:47 PM
I fussed with peat water years ago when keeping discus, but learned from guys like John and Al that it's not necessary with my Denver tapwater. No luck with plants, but my fish thrive at pH 7.4-8.0, KH85, GH145, temp 85F.