View Full Version : Addicted to colorbit?

02-23-2010, 11:09 PM
Recently something weird happenned on one of my fish. Previously he ate everything pretty well, however from last week he gradually lost his appetite to blood worms and beef mix, but whenever I throw in tetra colorbits he kill them all agressively in a flash. I stopped colorbits for two days, and the problem remains...He looks and behaves just normal...has anybody got similar problem before? and what should I do? :confused: Thanks!

-Xiaofei :)

02-24-2010, 12:13 AM
Recently something weird happenned on one of my fish. Previously he ate everything pretty well, however from last week he gradually lost his appetite to blood worms and beef mix, but whenever I throw in tetra colorbits he kill them all agressively in a flash. I stopped colorbits for two days, and the problem remains...He looks and behaves just normal...has anybody got similar problem before? and what should I do? :confused: Thanks!

-Xiaofei :)

It's a good chance to try out Mal's blackworm on it. Try feeding it to it or hold it to its face, stick it to the glass, soak and sink, whatever, :D.

02-25-2010, 03:04 PM
It's a good chance to try out Mal's blackworm on it. Try feeding it to it or hold it to its face, stick it to the glass, soak and sink, whatever, :D.

4 out of 6 have happily accepted the black worms now :D But still...that weird guy no longer loves my beef mix anymore...maybe it's time for me to make them a fresh new batch of food mix with a higher portion of colorbits in it:o


02-25-2010, 04:29 PM
How about try not to feed them tetra at the first time when feeding time :), might be will help :)

William Palumbo
02-25-2010, 04:29 PM
Dosn't that Discus farm in Israel(Danzig?) ONLY feed Tetra-Bits? Judging by his fish and farm, Tetra-Bits may not be a bad thing to get hooked on!...Bill

02-25-2010, 05:44 PM
Dosn't that Discus farm in Israel(Danzig?) ONLY feed Tetra-Bits? Judging by his fish and farm, Tetra-Bits may not be a bad thing to get hooked on!...Bill

Thanks Bill:) I've also seen some people feeding colorbits only or using it as major diet and have pretty good result in both final shape and size. But there are also two things about colorbits that I don't quite like...first I don't know how much I should feed them...unlike using the BH mix, when the fish is full they will stop eating by themselves...it seems that colorbits will expand a little bit in the stamach, and overfeeding colorbits is likely to lead to some horrible-looking bloated bellies, as the fish have eaten more than the ammount they can actually take. I've had this kind of experience a couple of times before, that after overfeeding colorbits, one or a few fish will show bad appetite or even stop eating on the following few days...some fish will eat faster and some are slower, when some fish are already 100% full while others are only 70% full, I really don't know if I should throw in more colorbits or not...Another thing is the color, from my experience the whole body of fish will turn orange if they were fed on colorbit for a long time (my white butterfly was turned into an orange butterfly eventually:o) The color of Danziger's fish do not seem to be affected by the colorbit much though, I guess maybe he use another type of colorbit that does not include much red-enhancing ingradients...

-Xiaofei :)

02-25-2010, 05:47 PM
How about try not to feed them tetra at the first time when feeding time :), might be will help :)

Thanks Hendri! :) yes I did that and actually I stopped colorbits for 3 days and still don't see much improvement on him. It is even more weird that now he doesn't even like blood worms, but just never get enough on colorbits:o Maybe he is bribed by Tetra pravitely when I was not at home:p I will try to mix in more colorbits in the new batch of food and see if he will like it or not.


William Palumbo
02-25-2010, 05:56 PM
Hi Xiaofei...You make two valid observations. Some people on here soak the color bits before feeding. I do that now as well with younger fish. Adults I usually don't, unless I want to add vitamins to the bits, then I soak them in vitamin enriched water. I assume that after they soak awhile, the will have expanded all they are going to, so the risk of bloat is minimized, plus by this time they are softer. Most of my fish are blue or red based, so there is no problem there for me. I NEVER had color bits turn ANY of my blue fish purple. My albinos of the past turned orange, so I can see your concern with albino, yellow based fish. Even as good as they may be(I use, and like much better "color balls" from Ed's Almost Natural Fish Food) I still feel there should be some variety in their diet...Bill

02-25-2010, 08:06 PM
Thanks again Bill! Sounds a good idea and I will try it tonight.:)


03-01-2010, 03:09 AM
Personally, live feed still the best..