View Full Version : Angelfish aggression

02-26-2010, 02:16 AM
So, I was at the LFS and they had two very large, very pretty angelfish. I had an empty 45, so , needless to say, I have these angels now lol. Only one problem, one is EXTREMELY aggressive towards the other. Ive had them for about 2 weeks. Would this be solved by the traditional discus methods of adding more angels or could the bare bottom thing not be working for them for some reason? They go into instant duel as soon as I turn on the lights in the tank.

Any suggestions would be great


William Palumbo
02-26-2010, 02:44 AM
Like Discus in a lot of ways. I would say add more same sized angels with them...Bill

02-26-2010, 03:12 AM
Yah i breed angels now..so i really know what u r talking about...guess it is part of the cichlid policy :D

02-26-2010, 01:11 PM
Any idea on how many or any strategies on breaking the aggression of the biggest?

02-26-2010, 01:15 PM
Get more angels so he can spread the love around, :D.

02-26-2010, 01:54 PM
Hey I thought this was a discus forum!!!! Lol jk. With my other aggresive fish I've taken the bully out and put him in a smaller qt tank or bucket even. I left him in a bucket for about 30 minutes. And I've other bullies in a qt tank for a day or 2. Sometimes this throws a wrench in their spokes and they lose the king of the tank syndrome. Mine was a Jack dempsey that was punkin everyone.

02-26-2010, 02:46 PM
So, I was at the LFS and they had two very large, very pretty angelfish. I had an empty 45, so , needless to say, I have these angels now lol. Only one problem, one is EXTREMELY aggressive towards the other. Ive had them for about 2 weeks. Would this be solved by the traditional discus methods of adding more angels or could the bare bottom thing not be working for them for some reason? They go into instant duel as soon as I turn on the lights in the tank.

Any suggestions would be great


About a year and a half ago I purchased a mixed bag of 11 dime sized angels from a breeder in Minnesota. They have grown up together in a 75 gallon tank. Accept for the occassion spats over territory they get along well together. Several pairs have tried unsuccessfully to spawn.

This month has been a different story. One of the larger male Kois started to be really aggressive with a large male smokey. Pursuing him endlessly around the tank and tearing his fins. I moved the smokey out of the tank into a 30 gallon tank I use for quarantine purposes to recover. I put him back into his home tank last night and the Koi immediately went on the attack again. I've now removed the aggressive Koi into the quarantine tank to see if he will calm down by himself. The only other fish with him now is a BN pleco and Siamese algea eater. Any ideas would be appreciated.

02-26-2010, 03:12 PM
which one is the dominant one and does it have a ridge on its nose from eye to eye almost where the other one doesnt?

this is well known courtship behavior when sizing up and testing a mate's ability to mate basically. It will also be alot more aggressive if it was territorial, they are cichlids when the day is over.

03-01-2010, 03:40 PM
Well I've decided to add another 75 gallon tank to the mix. We've been planning this for some time and now seems like a good time. I'll be splitting up some of these aggressive fish and making more room for the 6 new discus.

I'll be putting the stand together this weekend and the wife was off to buy the tank, lid and light today.

I'll soon be at 180 gallons and counting. A new record for me....:D

03-01-2010, 04:14 PM
If you have plants or decorations...constant moving of the same could as well spread "the possessiveness of the bugger" ;)

Like someone mentioned above, i have also moved the aggressive one to a separate tank for a couple of weeks and when i bring him back, he goes milder as the others know the tank better ;)