View Full Version : ...Wild Discus in tanks or not?

02-27-2010, 01:14 AM
Okay while on the subject, I have to voice my opinion about tank kept WILD DISCUS.

I don't think it's right. It's a wonderful hobby we have keeping tank bred and raised fish. However, to put wild fish into tanks for our enjoyment is another matter.

I know I'm going to ruffle some feathers, however ....

Can you imagine the trauma and psycosis they suffer. It's one thing to keep tank raised fish but to bring a wild animal into our world?...what can happen? they can at the worst KILL a human being.

Would you like to be a pet plucked from your existance and caged for the pleasure of an Alien race? Didn't think so.

Tank raised fish do not know any other existance, wild fish do. Kinda like prison. :argue:


William Palumbo
02-27-2010, 01:22 AM
Where do you think tank raised Discus came from? It ALL started with wild Discus. Without wild caught Discus, there would be no tank bred varieties. You would be looking at a Goldfish tank...Bill

02-27-2010, 02:17 AM
some people might hate me for this but what the heck. alot of people tend to "humanize" all animals. from dogs, cats, reptiles, etc. though i understand how some dogs, cats, or horses and whynots bond with their owners but fish are different, they are cold blooded! they have very small brains and most, if not all, is just survival instinct. their main purpose in life is to eat and reproduce, thats it! sure they might come up to you when they see you around but thats because they have related you with food source and nothing more.

im not saying that there should be a free for all on wild fish or animals because im totally oppose to it but for different reasons.(its relative)

im not saying your wrong and i totally respect your opinion but you also have to understand that "fish are food, not friends" (hahahaha..thats from finding nemo :D ). people in the amazon are probably having nice 7" wild heckle with perfect dark middle bar for dinner right now as i type this respond ;)

...now who wants a piece of me :bandana:

02-27-2010, 05:22 AM
I can see both sides of this debate. On one hand I hate to think of these magnificent fish plucked out of the wild to be put in tiny tanks (in comparison to their native habitat). However, many of these fish are more likely to be dinner for humans or other preditors. I would rather see them swimming in a tank than filleted. Others probably die a slow death in evaporating pools of water when the floods recede.

Discus were not created in a lab. All of our domestic discus were bred from wild caught discus. So I guess that it would be hypocritical to say that discus shouldn't be taken from the wild for home aquariums.


02-27-2010, 08:26 AM
Where do you think tank raised Discus came from? It ALL started with wild Discus. Without wild caught Discus, there would be no tank bred varieties. You would be looking at a Goldfish tank...Bill

William..I understand comepletly. But that has already happened. Why continue to strip the Rio Negro or any other Rio of Discus? Dont we have enough tank bred fish to go around?


William Palumbo
02-27-2010, 09:40 AM
Hi Dave...I know what you're getting at, but as you can see...we NEVER can get enough Discus. With all the destruction in the Rainforest, maybe one day there will only be tank bred/kept wild Discus. So many Killifish have disappeared from their wild places, but thankfully, they are alive and well, in hobbyists tanks. Man has a bad habit of raping ALL natural resorces...Discus are no different. I have more of a problem when people keep species of "monster" fish, such as Arowanas and such in tanks, that are ALWAYS too small, no matter how many gallons they are. But just like every other facet of Discus keeping, this too is a hot topic with no right or wrong, black and white answers...Bill

02-27-2010, 09:53 AM
Well I agree with Bill,there is no clear answer to this.But if you think about it the circle of life will prevail for these wild caught fish.So in one way they are caught exported to various places around the world and may have a better life than the wild some may not but that is mans grasp.:confused: