View Full Version : any knife enthusiasts here on Simply??

02-27-2010, 06:02 PM
hey guys, just wonderin if we have any fellow knife nuts here on the forum?! :D I used to collect alot of knives when I was younger, and lately I have been taking more of an interest in them again.

I just ordered a new Benchmade nitrous stryker from this website...I've always wanted a stryker but was never able to afford one when I was younger. Im so pissed because I ordered this knife on wednesday, but yesterday I get an email telling me it is on back order! :(:mad: WHAT KINDA SH*T IS THAT??!! I wouldnt have ordered from them if I knew it wasnt in stock. there was no warning that said "out of stock" or anything like that. so now I have to wait, which makes me upset lol.

heres a pic, super high quality knife

Benchmade Nitrous Stryker Tanto


I plan on purchasing 2 more knives and that should keep my addiction fed for a good while, these are going to be EDC knives (everyday carry) even tho they are tactical knives more geared toward military and law enforcement...its just what I like! ;):D

heres the 2 on my wishlist...Ill have them eventually...once I dont have any new Discus to buy! :p

spyderco military:


this last one is real expensive! ($200-400) (hopefully one day soon!)
Microtech scarab (OTF knife, out the front, switchblade more or less)


thanks for reading guys!! anyone else interested in this stuff?? any of you guys own any knives like this?!

thanks! take care everyone! :)

02-27-2010, 06:46 PM
Just own this...


02-27-2010, 07:08 PM
yep, nice blade Matt...thats pretty standard for the military. thanks for the pic!

02-27-2010, 09:39 PM
Benchmade makes good knives, some of the best IMO. We got issued some when we deployed...they took them back when we returned, to bad lol.

Yeah my Kabar is pretty standard and run of the mill, but I love the classic look the company has kept for so many years. I'm a big fan of classics, anything that has some history behind it. Honestly i'd much rather have a nice gun collection rather then a blade collection, but I enjoy looking at blades just as much and I always have one on me. Usually my cheap little Gerber that does the job.

02-27-2010, 10:22 PM
hehe, i do a lot of camping/fishing trips. prolly one a month during winter and 2-3 times/month during warmer seasons here in IL. People started calling me "Rambo" for all the knifes i carry. Mostly when camping, i always have two on me and couple in the tent for different purposes. I'm not crazy! one to kill/scale fish, one to clean the inside, one to fillet. Others for cutting down trees, fire starters etc. man i love camping, when will this winter end!?

02-27-2010, 10:51 PM
Not really a knife nut, but if you see me with clothing on, I have some type of knife on me, if see me with out clothing, you had better be smiling.

02-28-2010, 11:32 PM
When I saw "knife enthusiasts" I initially thought you meant knife fish! LOL!



02-28-2010, 11:57 PM
I like knives. But I'd rather have this:


Now that's cool.

03-01-2010, 11:41 AM
I'm a big time camping, hiking and fishing guy...have a bunch of different knives but my favorites are my Buck 110 folding hunters, and this jem..its a Buck 120 A...had it for years.

I had an experience with Buck knives a few years ago that just really cemented my respect.. I had broken the tip of one of my folding hunters carelessly...so I sent it back to buck for repair and sent along a few others to get sharpened. I included a letter telling Buck how much I respected their company and their quality .

I recieved all 3 knifes back.... they replaced the blades on all three and polished the brass and shined up wood like new...no charge...and what really impressed me was a hand written note from Mr. Buck thanking me for chosing Buck... It was far more than I ever thought I would receive...but says alot to me about Buck Knives.


03-01-2010, 01:53 PM
I have to admit I am a knife nut also. It all started with the swiss army knife which I never went anywhere without one as a kid. Over the years I have moved from the swiss army to to more traditional fixed blade knives, but I sure miss the wine opener and screwdriver. My current pocket knives consist of an old spyderco serrated, a CRKT Elishewitz and a Stryker Tanto combo blade similar to the one you want Cooldadddyfunk286. I really like the blade quality on my stryker tanto and the 154CM steel is a very good steel IMO. The 154CM isn't as durable as the D2 tool steel on the other versions of the stryker, but it is much easier to sharpen and holds an edge wonderfully. The 154CM blows away the old 420 steel on my spyderco and the AUS 8 on the CRKT for knife edge. The handle on my Stryker is a little loose tolerance-wise compared to my spyderco which has been though everthing over the years, Boy the stories it could tell if it could talk. I don't think you will go wrong with the benchmade Cooldadddyfunk286 I love mine, just don't use it for prying it's not as durable as the 420 steel.

03-01-2010, 02:51 PM
is that the auto striker?? I ordered from another website last night and canceled the original, backordered order lol. should have it in 2-3 days hopefully!

Al - I used to have a ton of bucks. great story there. just goes to show where the company's heart is at, ya know?

thanks for the replies! take care fellas.

03-01-2010, 03:02 PM
I like knives. But I'd rather have this:


Now that's cool.

that is SERIOUSLY one of the coolest things I have seen. not only am I a knife nut, but Im also a gun nut. my father had an amazing collection of guns. (44 mags, desert eagles, bushmaster AR-15s, kimber 45s, H&K 45 USP tac...just 2 name a few)
he passed away in 04', leaving this sweet collection of 30-35 top of the line guns and rifles to me. so I kind of inherited the knife and gun collecting. Im still working on getting my pistol permit. the guns are currently licensed to my mother until I get my license.

03-01-2010, 03:30 PM
Hey Jason,
My next collections.....:):):):)someday....


03-01-2010, 03:43 PM
Al, here is the samurai sword that I want.;):)


03-01-2010, 03:54 PM
Al, here is the samurai sword that I want.;):)

http://www.japanesechefsknife.com/KDSeries.html#WIDTH:%20368px;%20HEIGHT:%20258px Alex, I would really really like to have some of that cutlery...I do most of the cooking and I am always in need of that perfect knife!


03-01-2010, 06:07 PM
I like this :D

03-01-2010, 10:17 PM
Did you know that Duisburg, Germany (where they have the International Discus show) is very close to Solingen, Germany (home of many well know manufacturers of cutlery including Wüsthof Trident and J.A. Henckels). Maybe we should have a group trip to attend the discus show and then pickup some cutlery (definitely have to check that in with the luggage on the plane!).

BTW, Even Takashi Amano had a line of his aquascaping tools made by Eks Solingen.


03-01-2010, 10:58 PM
Speaking of guns, I have 2 new "toys" ordered and in the process of getting to me! ;) I'll post pictures of them when I get them i'm sure. I'm definently hyped, wanted this type of gun for ages and now finally getting it, American classics for sure. Can't wait.

03-02-2010, 12:40 AM
Sweet! People sharing ore than one hobby!!!

I have been collecting knives for sometime. Here are some pics of ones that I just took a pic of.

This is one of my collectible guns. Darrenger 44

03-02-2010, 02:45 AM
Al, here is the samurai sword that I want.;):)


man, i was going to get 3 of those knives but they were all sold out :rolleyes::rolleyes2::p

03-02-2010, 04:32 PM
check it out guys!! just got it in today!!:D:D:D:D:D Im gonna plug this awesome website that I ordered it from, they sent it across the country to me in literally 1 day. great service and prices. www.bladeHQ.com


03-02-2010, 05:04 PM
Nice knife Jason. I kinda wish I had gotten the un-coated version like yours, it looks great. The black coating on my blade is wearing off and making it look kinda funky, but it is just a pocket knife. Did you get the bench made field sharpener also? I got the small version of the sharpener on my keychain and works great for keeping the knife razor sharp.

03-02-2010, 06:02 PM
hey man, yeah Im happy I went with the uncoated blade. I do like the black blades however. my next BM might be all black.

I didnt get the sharpener, I think I might pick up the blue lube and blue box tool kit tho. unfortunatly I have never sharpened a knife before! LOL, I really dont trust myself to sharpen my 150 dollar knife LOL. Ill send it to benchmade for sharpening when it gets dull. kinda wish I could sharpen my own tho, and make them like razors. I should get a crap knife to practice with. cant be too hard right?? :)

03-02-2010, 09:25 PM
i like this one http://www.tennwholesale.com/productimage.php?product_id=575

03-02-2010, 11:06 PM
I like knives. But I'd rather have this:


Now that's cool.


03-03-2010, 11:23 AM
I collect a ton but am selling em off to get more money for new house.

Ive just sold a BUCK spring assist 3.75" blade folder, I have tons of fixed blade gerbers, winchesters,buck,benchmade,leatherman ect.

My favorite one is a 1939 bayonette, got it when I purchased a lot at a auction, ended up with a $6,000.00 walther p38 with 4 extra clips, 2 steel 2 wood and holster, all 100% unrestored authentic.

I love knives, one of the most useful creations ever invented, if you cant do it with a knife, you need more tools.

I might have that benchmade stryker in a box. olive or drab green itll be