View Full Version : rummy nose tetra

02-28-2010, 01:06 PM
i've been trying to add some rummy nose tetras to my tank but they never make it through QT.
I got a dozen yesterday(again) and already two have died. i keep the water as clean as i can doing water changes everyday, small feedings no lights and just like cardinals that i've tried they never make it.
my water 7.6-7.8ph @82deg
any and all suggestions would be greatly apriciated.

02-28-2010, 01:49 PM
Keep the temperature up to 86 degrees. I just restarted my tank and at first just put 6 RNTs, a week later I added 25 more and then 30 cardinals. I believe I haven't lost a single one of either yet (keeping my fingers crossed). :)

02-28-2010, 02:04 PM
i've tried @ 86* with no luck.

02-28-2010, 08:26 PM
Might be your ph is to high for them. Everything i have read about them in the past they need a ph of 6.6 to 7 .

Keith Perkins
02-28-2010, 09:58 PM
I use to keep RNTs in the past with my discus and had no problems. I wondered at first if perhaps the shock of going from LFS water temps to in the 80s might be leading to their demise, but I suspect I would have had similar problems then. I have softened RO water so my PH is under 6, m.ingram might be on to something. But I wonder if perhaps they aren't healthy when you're getting them to begin with. You might try getting a batch from a different supplier if that's an option.

Hope you get it sorted out, I like rummies.

02-28-2010, 10:25 PM
this is my 3rd trial with RNT and i get them from a different source every time.
i adjust them slowly to my water and it still doesnt help. Maybe my ph is to high, well if this time it doesnt work out then i'm done with them. We'll see.

02-28-2010, 10:27 PM
I have 15 RNT's in an angelfish tank, ph is 7.8 temp is 84. I wonder if you may just have an unhealthy batch? Maybe try some from a completely different place? They really are a pretty little fish and well worth getting.

Keith Perkins
02-28-2010, 10:39 PM
It's possible you got them from 3 different sources and they all get them from the same one. I don't think there are that many different fish distributors out there, even in an area the size of Chicago. Others here could be more accurate on that than I. If you wanted to invest the time you could call the 3 places and ask them, but I don't know what time period we're talking about here so they may very well not know at this point...if they were willing to tell you to begin with. Rummies usually aren't hard to keep, so there is definitely something going on here. If your other fish are doing well, I don't think it's you or your water.

03-01-2010, 01:19 AM
have you been placing them in a fully cycled tank? i think 86 is too high for them seeing as the LFS usually keeps them in the mid to high 70's. i've also lost a lot of cardinals but the RNT have been fine with acclimation. once they acclimate to your tank they are very hard, at least IME. my pH is 7.6-7.8 and my temp is at 84F. good luck with your future ventures with RNT, they are truly a sight to behold in a large school.

03-01-2010, 03:21 PM
yea i'm down to 7 from the dozen i got sat. my qt just has a sponge filter from my other tank and i do wc twice a day. I also got 3bristlenose plecos in the same tank and they are doing great!
3 different stores over a period of 4months, i'm doing something wrong here
I can see the RNTs are stressed as the red on the nose faded away. I didnt add any salt as i've read they dont like it. I age and prime my water, i just dont know what else to do.
guess i could check for NO2 and NH3

03-01-2010, 05:08 PM
Well, RNTs do like soft acid water. My tap water has neutral/slightly alkaline pH, but it is soft (<2 GH). Do you know the hardness of your water? The red goes away when they are stressed/not in good conditions, but comes back as soon as they are settled.

If all water parameters are good, try a different source. The place where I usually got it from said that the RNTs shipments are not good anymore so he stopped getting them. Then I found another place an hour's drive away and they seem to be doing OK so far...

Hope it works out for you, they look beautiful shoaling together. Are they eating good? What are you feeding them?

03-01-2010, 05:31 PM
KH is about 4.25 and GH from 8-15 deg.
As far as food, some will eat a little some dont. I feed flake food as the LFS did but i think i will chop up some blackworms see if they eat that better. Another dead :mad: 6 left.
Maybe the way i introduce them;
40min-1h drive back from store. i throw the bag in the tank for 15-20mins then dump them into a bucket and add some tank water. 10mins later add some more and do this for about an hour then net and in the qt they go. I was reading some guy does this for 4hours. maybe i need to extend the introduction period?

03-01-2010, 05:40 PM
Well, I adjusted them the same way as you did, but your water is way too hard for them (unlike mine). Also, a lot depends on the water parameters of the store. If the store was keeping them in soft water, you could probably extend the adjustment period. Or try some peat to lower the hardness...

03-01-2010, 05:51 PM
they seem to like the blackworms more so i'll start feeding that.
if i fail with these, i will try one last time and i will soften my water, and over the few weeks of qt will slowly get them adjusted to my tap. I just hate to sit here and watch them die. i got some API Stress Coat+ that my girl uses for her beta fish, maybe i could add that as some kind of a stress relief?

03-02-2010, 03:42 AM
man i'm down to 3, this really sux:mad: