View Full Version : Hans Juvie pics

03-01-2010, 10:15 PM
They are nicely settled in, they are still a little shy but coming around nicely already begging. I pretty much have to keep a mals worm constantly attached to the side of tank and they eat it "seems like" all the time. So far they will only eat FBW, Freezedried bw and mals worms.... trying to get them on the seafood mix cause of the vitamins but they wont touch it...
and i swear they have already grown in the week and a half ive had them. The coloring on the cobalt and flechen is amazing.

The tank is a 75 I got off craigslist and made into a dual breeder/grow out tank - in one half are these three juvies and the other half pair of white diamonds and we are expecting about 100 eggs to hatch here in about 3 hours from this posting -

Cam phone pics, sorry.





William Palumbo
03-01-2010, 11:36 PM
Looking good!...Is the dark blue one the Cobalt? Good luck with your pair and the freeswimming...Bill

03-02-2010, 10:24 AM
Yes, one cobalt, one flechen and a fire red -

This morning got a ton of little wrigglers on the cone and at the base of the cone. Both parents are minding them diligently - When I tried to vac the tank this morning both parents attacked the hose if it came to close to the cone hehe -

Cone getting fungus on the eggs that didnt hatch so hoping they detach soon from the cone so I can remove it for a quick cleaning - pretty cool to wake up with wrigglers, in the community tank they never made it this far LOL

William Palumbo
03-02-2010, 11:25 AM
Congrats on both counts! I try not to poke around too much in the tank when there is eggs or wrigglers. You think it's a cool site now? Wait 'till they go freeswimming, and start to feed off the parents. That's REALLY cool!. Best of luck...Bill