View Full Version : Iodine..

03-03-2010, 11:55 PM
Hi there does anyone know if a little Iodine is safe for discus. I was wondering cause i have a 55 gallon barrel that there used to be iodine in it. I'm using the barrel to do water changes. I cleaned it and washed it. Now when i put water in it, the water is clear, but the plastic barrel is stained in iodine. I don't think there is any left, but can smell iodine in the barrel. Should i use or how can i better clean this out. Thanks!

Keith Perkins
03-04-2010, 12:41 AM
It's been a long time since I've used it, but sodium thiosulfite will neutralize your iodine residue. I know it's available as a chlorine removal product at a lot of mail order fish supply places and may be at your LFS in a product under another name etc. I personally wouldn't risk using the barrel until you neutralized the iodine, as depending upon the concentration your discus won't appreciate iodine in their eyes or gills.