View Full Version : HI.. New here...

03-05-2010, 01:59 PM
Hi Everyone...

I'm DJ, I live in Windsor, Ontario Canada. I have been in the aquarium hobby for almost 20 years now, I have had discus in the past, Kept them successfully, but do to work/family, gave up the discus hobby... now I feel that I am slowly "getting sucked back in".

I am currently keeping fancy guppies, kribenssis, albino bristlenose, cherry shrimp, and Marble Koi angels...

All of which are in "species tanks" aside for the BN...
Since my angels are approaching "pairing size" I recently Purchased a 66g tank I planned to use as a fry grow out... but the discus are calling my name.... I am setting this tank up this weekend, and have had an extra filter running on my angel tank for the last couple of weeks, to get that started and cycled so i can just 'plug it into the 66'.

Now I'm torn... do i set it up and keep it as a grow out? or do I set it up... grow out some discus??? (because it will be a while before i use it for the angels anyway... ) Do I keep it as a grow out? or make it a "show" ??? I LOVE planted tanks, and my good friend owns my LFS.. I "robbed him" of all his "free range clippings" LOL a couple of weeks ago, and now have a 15g that looks alot like a nicely started planted tank.... :D

I live in the "upper" of a duplex, and was wondering people's thoughts of a 66g on the second floor in a corner of 2 concrete walls.. this will be in the living room, but it is an 'older house' It will be across the floor joices(sp) .

I have access to the shared basement, but if that's the case there's no reason to put the "show tank" down there... I also am worried that if i do use it for discus, and someone moves in downstairs, that I cannot trust people to mess with the tank...

Anyway, I thought I'd introduce myself, and I've been doing alot of reading.... some people have some BEAUTIFUL fish and tanks here.... way to go!... Fuel this temptation further...
Also I'm not really impressed with this city's LFS selection of inbred-mutant-degenerates they're calling discus... with "weak chins", muddied colours, and overall LOOK.. Anyone a little more local out there?



03-05-2010, 04:15 PM
Hi Dj,

Nice to see another canuck with discus addiction.


03-07-2010, 01:09 AM
Yep.... gettin' sucked back in....... OH how it's sweet though..... :D

03-07-2010, 05:49 AM
Nice to meet you DJ, sounds like the force is strong in you. :D Can't wait to see the tank of discus!

Take care,


03-08-2010, 07:26 PM
Welcome to Simply. I am like yourself.....getting back into it.
