View Full Version : lead in water

03-05-2010, 08:40 PM
The house I was suppose to close on the 11th has tested a high ppb of lead in the well. Kind of scary since they just started making that a required test to buy a home. Where im from at least. From the looks of the plumbing the last family must have been consuming that water as there is no filtration of any kind nor anywhere that looks like it may have been set u there. Anyway The seller which is the government has to pay for the whole house filtration system and closing got pushed back another 2 weeks atleast. Im assuming they will be installing a rodi system for the entire house. Will i be needing to add minerals back to the water for the fish? Anyone know of a good source to get such additives for less? I was planning on buying a house filter when we got the house but Its kind of nice they have to pay for it. Thats got to be alot of money to ro the entire house.

William Palumbo
03-05-2010, 08:48 PM
Are you sure they are going to instal a RO/DI? Most times it's just a GAC(Granular Activated Carbon) filter(s) to the plumbing. Best to make sure first...Bill

03-05-2010, 09:10 PM
I guess im not sure exactly. Would a GAC remove lead? I really know jack about this stuff. Realtor said they need to install a RO system before I can close. It had better be a Whole house unit because I will not shower or bathe my family in lead. Or my fish.

Chad Hughes
03-06-2010, 12:18 AM
Is the lead in the plumbing or the well? If it's the well, I'd say redrill the well in another location. RODI wastes too much water for whole house.

03-06-2010, 05:35 AM
After they finish installing whatever it is that they are going to install retest the water. You need to know what's going on before you can fix it.


William Palumbo
03-06-2010, 09:19 AM
Something tells me if an RO units are installed, it will be small under the sink ones JUST for drinking water. As Chad said, for a whole house would be wastefull. The lead could be from the well, or leaching from the pipes, especially if any lead solder was used, which was common years ago...Bill

03-06-2010, 12:10 PM
I will be getting more info on monday. All the plumbing is brand new pex piping throughout the house so lead wouldnt be coming from there. The only old plumbing is from the well itself. I am wondering why they wouldnt try to fix the cause before filtration. I have been reading that there isnt much if any at all natural lead in the ground here in wisconsin. I am wondering were its coming from?

03-07-2010, 10:52 PM
Meh. First find out the actual concentration of lead in the sample, compare it to EPA recommendations. Also know the pH. Resample immediately on opening the tap and also after letting the water run a few minutes. If the house has been empty and the water not run for a long while, then lead solder in the piping to the well can give a false high reading compared to what you'd see in normal operation. If the pH is acid, then the water picks up lead from the solder, likewise if it's very high, somewhere above 9.0, iirc...

Normal water usage generally reduces that kind of lead contamination to insignificance...