View Full Version : I found this interesting

03-08-2010, 01:03 PM
Discus let other discus in close proximatey when they spawn?


When I kept angelfish more than half the tank was taken over by them and the other fish were not allowed to pass the invisible half way line in the tank. In this video the other discus are really close. Is this common with discus or is this possibly a young pair that haven't figured it out yet. You see in the video the other fish swoops in and eats the eggs.

03-08-2010, 07:53 PM
id say a bunch of teenagers playing house. not serious..and not ready . all curious..and good eatings..free food.
it takes quite awhile before they get protective and want to raise fry.

03-08-2010, 08:13 PM

03-08-2010, 09:36 PM
Yeah but then they start kicking his but kinda funny ha ha ha:D

03-08-2010, 10:05 PM
id say a bunch of teenagers playing house. not serious..and not ready . all curious..and good eatings..free food.
it takes quite awhile before they get protective and want to raise fry.

Agreed, wrt the fish in the video. My only pair are still in a 120gal group tank, and the male is very protective when they're spawning. Everybody stays on the other half of the tank, otherwise he hits 'em like a guided missile... It's been like that since their first spawn, too... In between spawns, he socializes, she hangs near her selected spawning site for the most part, and another apparent male comes over to flirt with her... he never gets very far before she chases him off- she's always been the meanest fish in the tank...