View Full Version : Fish still not eating..treating for worms

Sandy C
03-12-2010, 10:43 AM
To make a long story short...I bought a $59 Discus for $10 because it was not eating. Pigeon Blood about 3-4" size. I thought I could nurse it back to health. I have had it for 1 week tomorrow. I have treated it with Metro powder. You add 1/4 tsp per 20 gallons of water for 5 days.

Well it is swimming around more...and I did notice last nite I fed it some Blood Worms and it did seems to eat one, it was hard to tell, but it did swim toward it and appeared to eat it. Sometimes I notice it sitting with it's head sort of downward.

I was going to continue the Metro for 1 more day, then I have a dewormer that came with the Metro. It said that was recommended after a Metro treatment.
This is the website I bought the meds from http://rockymountaindiscus.com/Food_and_medications.htm
I got the Metro and the dewormer.

Any other ideas?

03-12-2010, 11:09 AM
Any other ideas?

Patience...1 week is not long at all. I'm not sure I would have used metro right off either. Metro can put fish off food.


Sandy C
03-12-2010, 11:21 AM
Oh, ok...didn't realize that it took that long. So, what would you have used instead, if you don't mind me asking?

03-12-2010, 11:25 AM
Oh, ok...didn't realize that it took that long. So, what would you have used instead, if you don't mind me asking?

TLC and nothing else. Clean water and good live foods. ;)


Sandy C
03-12-2010, 01:46 PM
I might add that the fish does look thin and sunken in, so I don't know how long it had not been eating when I bought it. It did not swim around at the pet shop though. It does now.

03-12-2010, 02:35 PM
I hope this act of kindness doesn't end up biting you, by infecting your existing stock with whatever this fish may have. Make sure you follow strcit qt.

Personally I would treat with a general purpose wormer, usual suspects for discus that are sunken are nematodes and then flagellates.

However god food and clean water go a long way to getting sick fish well.

Sandy C
03-12-2010, 02:44 PM
Would Prazipro work better?
I have the fish in another tank with some Rams and an Angel.

03-12-2010, 05:30 PM
I would have it in a tank on it's own. The angels and rams are at risk too. Rams don't tolerate meds very well either.

Prazipro would not be a good choice ime, only good for tape worms. You need something like flubendazole, levimasole or piperazine. Fenbendazole in food is good too, but only in food.

03-13-2010, 02:43 AM
I hope this act of kindness doesn't end up biting you, by infecting your existing stock with whatever this fish may have. Make sure you follow strcit qt.

Personally I would treat with a general purpose wormer, usual suspects for discus that are sunken are nematodes and then flagellates.

However god food and clean water go a long way to getting sick fish well.

I agree with Paul, if the fish has already took on sunken sides, nematodes and flagellates are most likely the culprit.


Sandy C
03-15-2010, 04:35 PM
Sorry I don't have any other tank to put them in. The Discus has swam around and acted as if he was going to eat, but spits it out. First time he has acted that way. I started treating with a dewormer on Saturday, it says to add on day 1,3 and 5 and then retreat in 2 weeks. Sorry, guys I thought I could save him...not sure now.:confused:

Elite Aquaria
03-15-2010, 05:02 PM

Those prices on meds are steep....Check me out next time...METRO (http://www.eliteaquaria.com/AQUASCIENCE_METRONIDAZOLE_POWDER_p/amet.htm)

03-15-2010, 05:07 PM
Ive had the same problems before..and Ive had to use Prazi and Piperzine because the other recomended medications are not available to me , and I dont know where to get them from. best of uck with it,..it can be a paint o get them and there is a point of no return..but if he is starting to show interest then he may be on his way back.
Ime I used Prazipro on my small 2inch blue diamond that hadnt eaten in two weeks. After a week of treatment, he is now doing wonderfully...so I guess everyone has their own contrasting experiance

03-15-2010, 05:58 PM
Sorry I don't have any other tank to put them in. The Discus has swam around and acted as if he was going to eat, but spits it out. First time he has acted that way. I started treating with a dewormer on Saturday, it says to add on day 1,3 and 5 and then retreat in 2 weeks. Sorry, guys I thought I could save him...not sure now.:confused:No need to apologise, you took on a sick fish and tried, many wouldn't have (including me :o). Anyways, if it is still trying then we will too, where there is life there is hope.

Follow the dosing protocol and if you can get some live food like brine shrimp, also may be worth trying CBW I've not tried these live as we don't get them in the UK, but I use the freeze dried stuff and it is excellent.

Sandy C
03-16-2010, 11:15 AM
I went home yesterday and he definately has some interest in the food now..seems to try to eat it. He still has white stringy poo. If he is having poo at all, doesn't he have to be "eating" something? The petshop said he hadn't eaten for a week and I have had him for 2, would the fish still have anything left to pass if it wasn't eating at all? Sorry I guess I may be thinking of people not fish;) Well anyway, I think he is getting better :D
Thanks for the info about the meds, yes I will try you the next time!

03-16-2010, 12:30 PM
Many internal parasites irritate the stomach lining of the fish which then sheds this. It then comes out like stringy white poop. If it is showing interest in food that is a good sign, fingers crossed.

Sandy C
03-16-2010, 01:28 PM
Thanks...I checked the meds I am using now, and it said something like piperazole? sp?
My fingers are crossed also , I am hoping by tonite I actually see him eating something and not spitting it out. He seems to respond to the frozen bloodworms the most.

03-16-2010, 02:25 PM
It is probably piperazine, another good wormer. I've got many a discus (and other fish too) feeding again by using fbw :)

Sandy C
03-17-2010, 12:41 PM
Ok I went home last night and the Discus came right out when I fed them. The Angel in there is such a pig, he didn't give the poor guy a chance. I added some freeze dried bloodworms (ran out of the frozen ones) and he definately was up at the top eating some!!! Woo hoo!!! I really need to do a water change , since I have been adding extra food to try to get the Discus to eat. Can I do a water change in between adding the Piperazole? for the 5th day or do I need to wait? Gosh I sure hope this is a positive sign!!!:p

03-18-2010, 07:18 AM
Yes you can do a w/c, may need to do a full dose of piperazine aftwerwards. Glad for some good news too :)

Sandy C
03-18-2010, 09:37 AM
Well I watched him closely last nite...and he is coming out to eat...but he seems to be spitting it out. I am going to do a big wc tonite and then start treating for another week. Does this sound good?

03-18-2010, 10:30 AM
If you have completed the course of treatment then I would only do the w/c. It is easy to over medicate, sometimes clean water is all that is needed.

Sandy C
03-19-2010, 09:48 AM
I did the water change last nite. The meds say to treat on day 1-3 and 5 and then do a water change. Then treat for another week. Is is necessary to do it for another week then or is this just a precaution? Thanks for all your info!

03-20-2010, 01:25 PM
Yes it's sensible to treat again, gets any worms that have hatched.

Sandy C
03-22-2010, 03:59 PM
Well...I have treated for 1 week with Metro and 2 treatments of Piper?? and he still is not eating. I have tried soaking the blood worms in garlic and he just sucks on them and spits them out. What now?:confused:

03-22-2010, 05:06 PM
Sometimes there is nothing more you can do. Lots of clean water and keep offering food, sometimes in our haste or desire to help we can over medicate.

Look at it this way, you have given it your best shot and tried to do the "right" thing, another way that buying sick fish works out expensve :(

Sandy C
03-29-2010, 01:07 PM
Well, I put the little guy out of his misery. He was getting weaker and just hanging at the top. I just didn't want him suffering :sad:

03-30-2010, 11:38 AM
Well, I put the little guy out of his misery. He was getting weaker and just hanging at the top. I just didn't want him suffering :sad:You did your best, suspect it was too far gone.