View Full Version : Help with Head-Eye ratio?

03-13-2010, 07:02 PM
To get to an accurate head to eye ratio, how does one measure the height of the head? i.e. where does the head start and end?

Please see attached image of one of my BDs. Please share with me where you think the start and end is? And what you think the ratio is. As you can see, one "unit" is what I think the height of the eye is on this particular fish.

I realize there is no truly accurate way, it's just I don't even know where the start.


PS Paul published this great post: http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showpost.php?p=298365&postcount=1 a few years back. However, it seems to be that the start and end points he chose for his measurements did not appear consistent.

03-13-2010, 07:54 PM
This information is explained well in Andrew Soh's first book, which he gives credit to Jack Wattley. Also, I thought Paul's explanation was pretty spot on. From the picture, you cannot get an accurate measurement, because the fish is facing forward. This measurement is taken with the fish on its side, so a profile view. Basically, you duplicate the size of the eye vertically along the black bar on the face.

Obviously with that BD, you will not have a black bar to go by so you will need to guesstimate.


phat nguyen
03-13-2010, 08:29 PM
Hi Tim,
Your BD looks VERY nice. You sure do a GOOD job raising them.

Best wishes,

03-13-2010, 09:20 PM
Thanks Perry. As you know, when you start with good quality stock from Kenny/Forrest, it's easier to raise good discus.

Basically, you duplicate the size of the eye vertically along the black bar on the face.

Thanks Eddie. For some reason, that explanation COMPLETELY escaped me even though I re-read that link several times. I was trying to figure out where the head started instead of just drawing a line straight up and down.

I'll have to capture another picture where the fish is perfectly sideways. This one shows the fish at an ever so slight angle. (Man, I really take bad pictures. This was the only decent one out of many many attempts). This picture throws off the vertical intersection points and exaggerates the ratio.


03-13-2010, 09:22 PM
Thanks Perry. As you know, when you start with good quality stock from Kenny/Forrest, it's easier to raise good discus.

Thanks Eddie. For some reason, that explanation COMPLETELY escaped me even though I re-read that link several times. I was trying to figure out where the head started instead of just drawing a line straight up and down.

I'll have to capture another picture where the fish is perfectly sideways. This one shows the fish at an ever so slight angle. (Man, I really take bad pictures. This was the only decent one out of many many attempts). This picture throws off the vertical intersection points and exaggerates the ratio.


Its very nice fish too! Surely he'll pose for you. Just dangle some of Mals Freeze Dried blackworms on the side of the tank. :D


03-13-2010, 10:46 PM
Thanks for the compliments. This one is the best of the bunch.

I finally got a good picture. When I applied a scale, I now see that it has a decent 6.5 to 1 ratio.

Great tip Eddie. Dropping a few worms in there did the trick. It got the school out of the "bunched up in the corner - 'when are you going to feed us?'" huddle.


03-13-2010, 11:06 PM
Hmmm interesting thought you learn something new everyday!Thanks gang.Thats one pretty Blue Diamond.:D