View Full Version : New 90 gallon Setup

03-16-2010, 02:01 PM
Well, I finally got my 90 gallon tank up and running (got postponed due to the installation of a new tile floor). Here is what I have so far:

4 Discus
3 lemon tetras
2 unknowns (they look like miniature red mollys lfs said they would do nice with discus, they are smaller than the tetras)

I would like to add:

3 lemon tetras (or possibly cardinals if they would school with the lemons)
1-2 small ABN plecos
2 Discus

Does this sound overstocked?

I use RODI mixed with a bit of tap back in ( I have liquid rock at the tap). To this I add seachem neutralizer which results in my water having a ph 7.2 with my TDS in the 90-110 range. I plan to do bi-weekly water changes. The tank is virgin with a cycled fluval 405 to which I plan to add a magnum 350 with dual bio-wheels using purigen in the canister. Tank is bare-bottom slate to which I plan to add some live plants enclosed in slate planters so they can be periodically removed and cleaned. I also have two large pieces of driftwood in the tank that has been seasoned.

I first added two discus on day one. After a few hours of hiding, they came out and seemed to adjust very well. They ate the first day. Tested ammonia levels in the morning after the first day and level was at 0. Second day I added two more discus and the tetras and red things ( i will find out what they are later today, they told me but I forgot). Guy at the LFS told me the tetras would help calm the Discus. Second set of discus adjusted even faster than the first with one of them immediately joing the previous two and the second eventually after about 3 hours sulking in the back. All are currently eating like little pigs (hikari blood worms so far).

Tested ammonia levels this morning, still spot on 0. However, I did notice a little agression for the first time within the group, I am assuming they are working out the pecking order. Once in awhile one will swim along side another and start shaking/shimming from side to side (almost like a prolonged shiver). is this normal behavior or do I have a potential problem?

All things considered, they seem to have acclimated pretty well. When I approach the tank they all come to the front of the tank (albiet it slowly) to check me out.

03-16-2010, 02:07 PM
Sounds good.
How big are the discus?
Cause If they are adults, you should be fine with about 8 of them , but it depends on how big they are and when you add live plants it could be too many in a tank. I have about 16 in a 150, but most of them are two to three inchers which dont require as much gallon x fish

03-16-2010, 02:11 PM
Let me ask you this, when you measure discus are you looking for tip of tale to tip of tale or just the body? I know one is clearly largest and one the smallest with the other two itermediate. When I get home I will measure but if I had to guess I would say one at 5", two at 4", and one at 3". I plan to max out at 6 discus, my main concern is how many "other" fish I can add. Others only being the ones mentioned earlier. I also have a 55 gallon octagon tank that is empty in case in the future 2 of them should pair off and decide to breed.

03-16-2010, 02:17 PM
I think with 6 discus and 6 lemon tetras with a couple of others is not going to overstock the tank. I think you could have a school of 12 lemon tetras easily in a 90G. They will look better and school better.