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View Full Version : Scared

03-16-2010, 09:23 PM
All my fish have been acting very scared lately, this is not normal for them, Im usually able to walk past the tank and have them come up begging for food, but for the past few days they have been getting more and more scared of the slightest movements. They get so scared they bump into the heater and the sides of the tank. Anyone ever have this happen? I just finished doing a water change and they are all huddled up in a corner of the tank and when I come close they gey crazy trying to swim away:confused:

Temp is 86
Tank is BB
WC every other day
Water is aged and heated in a brute garbage can for at least 24 hours and conditioned with amquel plus minutes before doing the change.

03-17-2010, 06:06 AM
Need more information. Sounds like a possible water issue.



90 Gallons of Fun
03-17-2010, 07:42 AM
Has this just started since the time change? I noticed that my tank is now getting directly sunlight at the time I return home from work. Where as before the time change, it was always dark outside when I got home. My shadow scares them.

When I get home now, I have to close the blinds before I approach the tank. I also have to make my wc a couple hours later than I did last week.
