View Full Version : Tap water instead of RO

03-17-2010, 11:25 PM
I picked up 3 really nice adult size discus from a local breeder, and I need some advices from all of your experts. All 3 of them were keeping with only RO water by the seller before I picked up them, so will they adjust well to just tap water with PH: 7.5? Will Discus Buffer help?

03-17-2010, 11:29 PM
I have some discus and all of them get tap water without any RO just fine:D:D:D

Chad Hughes
03-18-2010, 01:08 AM
They should do fine in tap.

Do you know what the TDS of the sellers water is and what your tap water is? IMO that is a good piece of information to have initially.

Best wishes!

03-18-2010, 01:54 AM
I picked up 3 really nice adult size discus from a local breeder, and I need some advices from all of your experts. All 3 of them were keeping with only RO water by the seller before I picked up them, so will they adjust well to just tap water with PH: 7.5? Will Discus Buffer help?

By tap water, I trust that you mean tap water which has been de-chlorinated. Most pH readings, hardness levels, and even nitrates in tap water OK for domesticated discus. But chlorination kills.

If you mean de-chlorinated tap water, then yes, your discus will do fine.

If you plan to breed the fish, then you "might" need to treat the water. test the water first before starting to add chemicals.


03-18-2010, 08:37 AM
I picked up 3 really nice adult size discus from a local breeder, and I need some advices from all of your experts. All 3 of them were keeping with only RO water by the seller before I picked up them, so will they adjust well to just tap water with PH: 7.5? Will Discus Buffer help?

If the TDS of the seller's water and your tapwater differs significantly, I'd give them a long slow acclimation. Ph differences aren't going to cause problems, radical TDS changes can and do. Slow drip acclimation will give the fishes' osmoregulation time to adjust to the different TDS.

Dutch dude
03-18-2010, 01:49 PM
I keep my domesticated discus on PH=8 and GH=9. I even breed discus in those conditions without any addition, CO2, crappy chemicals or what ever. I do large (at least 70%) water changes straight from the tap (hose conected to the tap) with pure tapwater. No issues at all! I even keep a group of 10 juvi F1 curipera on tap water! So to answer your question,....yes a PH of 7.5 will be OK and no problem.

03-18-2010, 11:08 PM
They should do fine in tap.

Do you know what the TDS of the sellers water is and what your tap water is? IMO that is a good piece of information to have initially.

Best wishes!

I don't know the TDS of the seller water. I will ask him for that.