View Full Version : Rookie Breeder needs help

03-20-2010, 01:43 PM
I need some tips from experienced breeders. My pair has laid 4 batches.

The first two were eaten at the wiggler stage (don't know if M or F).

The third batch, I put a cage around the breeding cone, and they got to free swim 1 day, then gone.

Fourth batch, I kept the cage and removed the F after 2 day wigglers. Eureka!!:D
Thirty babies made it to free swim and they all attached to the father. For three days everything looked great. Looked like the perfect father, woke up today, all babies gone.:(

Any suggestions as to how I can prevent this? I guess that's the million dollar question isn't it;)

03-20-2010, 04:45 PM
Maybe it was the male all along. :confused: What is your temp, water stats? Are they on their own in a breeding tank? Disappointing, isn't it...

03-20-2010, 05:40 PM
Yes, it sure is. My TDS = 70-90, 84 temp, PH 6.8. I use RO Tap water mix.
Maybe I'll try removing the male this time, at least it will detrmine who the culprit is.

03-20-2010, 06:20 PM
Are they in a tank on their own?

03-20-2010, 09:07 PM
seperate and feed baby brine

03-20-2010, 10:21 PM
seperate and feed baby brine

He said the babies are gone. ;)