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View Full Version : Jatapu Blue Faced heckels

Discus Origins
03-21-2010, 07:25 PM
Here are the pictures of the Jatapu Heckels, they are very colorful at a smaller size, mine are all in the 4-5 in range. There is a distinct difference between the Jatapu and Nhamundas when you are seeing them next to each other. The Nhamundas have a lighter base color with broader coverage of blue on the face and shoulders of the fish, but the blue is lighter. The Jatapus have a darker almost purple/brown base color with blue mostly in the face/cheek region. They also have many more stripes vs the Nhamundas and exhibit more diagonal and criss-crossed stripes. The Nhamundas have horizontal royal stripes. Both are beautiful fish, I'm very lucky to get my hands on both.

Enjoy, Mark

03-21-2010, 07:36 PM
where did these heckels come from ?? There are SO many names for wild discus, how would we be sure to get the coloring of the darkest blue=faced ?? Thanks, David T

Discus Origins
03-21-2010, 07:46 PM
Jatapu is very close to Nhamunda but have different looking blue faced heckels. The only way to be sure you are getting something of high quality is to have a trustworthy source and then have them send you pix of the actual fish and not just some website photo or book picture.

The Nhamunda Blue Moon is the AAA grade of Blue faced heckels and we very rarely see them in the U.S. because they go to Europe and Asia for top dollar. The Jatapu may be the next best thing and they were still shipped in from Germany.

03-21-2010, 07:55 PM
WOW.....HOLY POOP !!!!!!

Those are some killer fish my friend...you are a lucky man :-)

03-21-2010, 07:57 PM
F.Y.I for those who are interested or may want any of these before the end of the season, looks like John at Snookn21 just got a handful of these Nhamunda heckles today ( I just got off the phone with him , Sunday , March 21/10....he has not posted them yet )!!

03-22-2010, 01:46 AM
Very nice Blue Faced Heckels! Really nice!

All the best,


03-23-2010, 11:28 PM
I got to tell you very nice good luck with them.

04-01-2010, 10:54 AM
Those are the type of Hcekel's I just love, they are trully beautifull.

Congratulations on getting them and I can't wiat for the updates to see how they colour up. truly stunning, thanks.

Discus Origins
04-01-2010, 10:36 PM
Those are the type of Hcekel's I just love, they are trully beautifull.

Congratulations on getting them and I can't wiat for the updates to see how they colour up. truly stunning, thanks.

Thanks Eric. They are starting to settle in very well and establishing a pecking order amongst the group. Also eating like pigs out of my hand whether it be frozen food, live food, or flakes. Two more weeks in the QT and they will go into a Amazon habitat 90 gallon. Will post pictures then!

Heiko Bleher
07-30-2010, 07:35 PM
Hi Mark,

Congratulations, you did an excellent observation (good reading too).
This really distinguishes the two populations, and hopefully people do not mix them.

Keep up the good work, and if you want to breed them, take care of the water parameters. Some followed my advice and succeeded.

best regards

Heiko Bleher