View Full Version : One of my fish is just not right.....

03-23-2010, 12:59 PM
I've got 6 juvies, 40 Gal breeder, a few potted plants and a piece of driftwood. I've had them for about two months and they all are doing great, getting along, very minor scuttles. I do a 50% WC every night and my paramaters are all in order. Everyone's growing well. All but one. He's started to spazz out, swimming like there's something after him, upsetting the other guys. He just doesn't seem to like any of his tankmates anymore. No one touches him, he's not being harrassed at all. He keeps his nose in the corner, when he's not in the corner, he's swiming like his tail is on fire and sometimes he tries to jump out. I know he's not ill. Is this the start of the natural selection process? Because there is no way he is going to last if he keeps up this behavior! People go cuckoo, can fish go cuckoo too? This has been going on for a week.

03-23-2010, 02:39 PM
Damn sorry to hear that! I am just about to get 6 juvi's myself, I wish I could help. You have a hospital tank? Maybe you could isolate him... When the lights are off does he react the same way?

03-23-2010, 03:51 PM
I dunno if fish can have disease like....uh alzeimers or any other degerative disease that's incurable. Humans can, can fish? Doesn't sound like any disease paraste I've heard of or read about here. Maybe a parasite in the brain? Dunno, Eddie may have some info here.

03-24-2010, 08:49 AM
SRusso- Actually I did quarantine him last weekend. I wrapped some paper around a 5 gallon tank in the kitchen, left a little strip open so he could peek out and look at me. He calmed down a lot, lost his stress bars. I put him back in the main display Monday night and he went berserk. I just ignored it. Yesterday and today, he is back with the group and acting almost normal. Who knows what's going on with him/her/it. I know its not a sickness/parasite. This tank is bare bottom sterile.

03-24-2010, 09:28 AM
SRusso- Actually I did quarantine him last weekend. I wrapped some paper around a 5 gallon tank in the kitchen, left a little strip open so he could peek out and look at me. He calmed down a lot, lost his stress bars. I put him back in the main display Monday night and he went berserk. I just ignored it. Yesterday and today, he is back with the group and acting almost normal. Who knows what's going on with him/her/it. I know its not a sickness/parasite. This tank is bare bottom sterile.

I have read a lot about color you wear... like black, dark blue or white shirts can scare discus, at least from what I read here... Maybe your one little guy doesn’t like your choice in fashion... :(
Keep us posted

03-24-2010, 09:49 AM
You're right! Every morning I come in (the fish room, yes I have a dedicated fish room) in my fuzzy pink bathrobe and everybody scatters!!! They do come back tho when I put that first pinch of flake in the water.........:angel:

03-24-2010, 02:01 PM
Is your tank painted??

03-25-2010, 01:11 PM
Are there absolutely no symptoms on any of the others? Are there any physical signs on this one? Did you get all six at the same time from the same source? Did you add anything to the tank in the last couple of weeks? What are the water stats? It sounds like a parasite to me but there isn't enough information here to say more than a general guess. Can you post a pic? You really should be posting in the disease section with all of this information so the experts in disease can respond.