View Full Version : USA - Canada Shipping

03-24-2010, 09:40 AM
I keep seeing all these great fish up for sale at great prices and I keep wondering why it is such a pain for anyone to ship discus to canada. Is it
the Customs issue that makes it hard, or the distance to ship the fish. I know that UPS charges a brokerage fee for anything coming over the border, but I don't think Fed Ex does????? And with Fed Ex isn't custom issues handled.

So know that i've done my whining, can anyone explain what's so hard. All I want is some smaller fry I can give a good home to...lol. Looking for Marlboro Reds, Blue Diamond, white diamond small fry 1.5-2" as i like to grom them out
myself.......If anyone has some of these and are willing to ship to me, I would be very interested. I don't mind paying up to $100 for shipping, if i got the quality fish i was after........

and if someone explains "why" it's so hard, I will stop sending PM's to people and just learn to live with it......lol
thanks dean

03-24-2010, 10:18 AM
Im totally agree with you I have same problem with getting discus from the USA pain in b....I m located in Ontario searching the web for good quality discus with no luck at all ,if I find something they don't ship to Canada.
Can someone will ship same good quality discus to Canada?

03-24-2010, 10:41 AM
April is in Canada and many of her fish come from the same place as some of the better known US sellers. You guys aware of this? In fact there are a couple of great people up there selling!
Best regards,

Elite Aquaria
03-24-2010, 11:01 AM
Bob Garside is also in Canada...he carries Wayne Ng discus as do I.

03-24-2010, 12:38 PM
Shipping to Canada from the US has been an issue because of the US Fish And Wildlife service. As a Canadian, you can bring in fish from anywhere you want without permits ( this is changing in March, 2011 ) However, if you want fish from the US, the exporter must have an export permit, PLUS there is a inspection fee of approx. $150.00 per shipment !! So if your a US exporter, it's a REAL pain in the hiney to ship to the great white north ( or anywhere out of the US for that matter ) !! The big joke is NONE of these $150 USFW inspections or permits are required by Canada....the paperwork is literally thrown in the garbage by Canada customs....all a USFW money grab :-(

Oh, forgot to mention....the same BS applies to people who want to IMPORT to the US from out of Country...SORRY :-(

03-24-2010, 02:47 PM
your only option is to ship to the closest US 'hub' (like Spokane) and drive down and pick the fish up. PM me if you want to chat. cheers. Claire.

03-24-2010, 06:33 PM
my fish are from forrest. ..we talked already. email me again..and we can discuss it. most dont ship to canada as they have to have known shipper etc..and alot of the airlines arent direct. you have to clear customs in vancouver. or ..get a broker.
its true..we dont need health certificates etcwe just need a proper invoice. pay our taxes. ..until...next march..and then..import permits etc etc etc...rules are changing. discus are one of them. also guppies, goldfish, barbs, danios,,etc. its going to be alot more strict.

03-25-2010, 10:31 AM
I have gotten fish from April before...excellent person to deal with and with stock from Forrest you can't go wrong!!!

03-25-2010, 10:32 AM
Same goes for Bob Garside!!!

03-25-2010, 02:51 PM
Bob is not haveing anything for at least 3 months,so if you wonna fish you have to wait quoter of the year

03-25-2010, 02:56 PM
Common people I need a few Discus ,good quality ones from Wayne's or Stendker.
Any suggestion where to go in Canada

03-26-2010, 07:08 PM
thanks everyone for the posts....i have spoken with April and will be getting some fish from her. It is by far the easiest and the stock she gets in guaranteed to be great quality. Thanks again.

Elite Aquaria
04-01-2010, 09:10 PM
Fellow Canadians,

Let me try to clarify a few things here...

It is quite simple to ship Airport to Airport from the US into Canada. All that is needed is a Typed Airway Bill and three copies of a Commercial invoice...

No fish and wildlife permits are required to export fish into Canada only to import into US.

Additionally, FedEx is illegal unless you ship Business to Business...this was what my rep told me today but I am trying to clarify this with another FedEx office tomorrow.

I am now able to ship Wayne Ng discus into Calgary, Vancouver, Edmonton and Toronto. You will need to pay an airport fee...I was told that it is around $60-70 and taxes on the declared value on the Commercial Invoice. A standard rate into Toronto would be around $90 for the fight.

Your other option is to drive across the border...

04-01-2010, 10:31 PM
holy ship. this is good news, Dan. (At least until next March when the rules change). Thanks for the post. Fellow Canadians, a wish granted.

discus on down,