View Full Version : Finally have eighteen wrigglers

03-24-2010, 04:14 PM

I just found this forum - I bought a proven mated pair last June and I finally have a few hatched eggs this week. Last week I put in some RO water and MB and oddly the eggs look liked they have fungus - they have never looked like this before - but some hatched.

The parents seem very diligent - so I guess I should just wait and see what happens or should I do something proactive?

The male is wild caught and the female was tank bred - I'm not sure what they are exactly...



03-24-2010, 05:57 PM
Congrats. The link doesn't show fry.


Chad Hughes
03-24-2010, 06:15 PM

+1 on the links.... they are something about kayaking.

Best wishes!

03-25-2010, 12:52 PM
Today the fry seem to be swimming and the male is searching for them, finding them and putting them back on the rock. This is really nerve wracking...

Discovered uploading images vs linking... (sorry about the others, the file-not-found page does default to a store:confused:).

I am also wondering if someone can help me identify them. The male was supposedly live caught...

Thank you,


William Palumbo
03-25-2010, 01:16 PM
The second pic is for sure a wild type of Green. The first pic is hard to tell, but MAYBE a Red Turk. Anyways congrats on the spawn! That male wild Green is valuable, and would do good in a breeding program...Bill

03-26-2010, 01:23 AM
The second pic is for sure a wild type of Green. The first pic is hard to tell, but MAYBE a Red Turk. Anyways congrats on the spawn! That male wild Green is valuable, and would do good in a breeding program...Bill

Ditto, red turq and RSG


03-27-2010, 10:26 PM
Here is a picture of the female...

I can now see the value in all of the steps! The little fish fly all over the place. I think there are four left, so hopefully they will make it or there will be a new spawn, however the parents are very careful and are sticking together so the babies can take sustenance. I put in a barrier to keep them on one side (kind of stuck with the tank I have right now).

The male is very diligent, surprising from what I've heard about live caught?

I like having some live plants and so planted some in a pot, however I seem to have acquired snails which are multiplying like crazy.

In a panic I put some food in there which didn't get eaten, so the water isn't as clear as it could be.

Next time...

03-28-2010, 04:26 PM
Well, there are only a few fry left and they are spawning again - question, do they always eat the fry in this situation?

The male is multi-tasking and keeping track of the fry while this is going on.

Thinking of trying the Mardel Maroxy instead of the MB this time to see if I get a better batch.



03-29-2010, 05:01 PM
Here we go again - I used the MB...there are three babies left from last week and they seem to be working them in to the program so far. I'm trying to figure out if they will eat today or tomorrow, they were free swimming (with the parents catching them and spitting them back on the rock) Thursday, so that makes them five days...?

03-29-2010, 05:15 PM
I would not add any medications to the tank. If this is their first spawn the hatch rate will be poor. The male needs a little practice.
Usually if a pair decides to spawn with fry on their backs it is because it is a small spawn. The pair will eat the fry just before spawning. Just be patient and enjoy your fish. They will get it right eventually.

04-01-2010, 11:10 PM
Well, they were spitting the three swimmers onto the eggs and then ate the whole lot at about five o'clock. Today more eggs were laid...

Should I add any of the Quick Cure, MB or Maroxy tonight, or wait and see (again).

The PH is down, the temperature is about 84, water softness is pretty good as I added RO (haven't done an actual test today).

04-01-2010, 11:55 PM
Good luck!

04-06-2010, 03:33 PM
Well...I may be down to one again. I decided to move them into a 20 gallon (tall) tank for now and rehab the plexiglass tank (I think it is 35 gallons).

Is 20 gallons too small?

I added a rather large flowerpot as I can see the wisdom - the slope will be good for egg laying and they might not fall off as easily.

Also have more white around the tank and am going to try the Aqua Clear 110 sponge idea (white).

I have time for this right now so maybe I can get it right!

04-06-2010, 03:42 PM
Oops, and one more thing...for the one that is left, I am thinking of using Tuck's idea only hanging the coffee filter right in the same tank for a few days (save room, I don't have much room). Does anyone have an opinion on that?



04-07-2010, 09:16 AM
Well...I may be down to one again. I decided to move them into a 20 gallon (tall) tank for now and rehab the plexiglass tank (I think it is 35 gallons).

Is 20 gallons too small?

I added a rather large flowerpot as I can see the wisdom - the slope will be good for egg laying and they might not fall off as easily.

Also have more white around the tank and am going to try the Aqua Clear 110 sponge idea (white).

I have time for this right now so maybe I can get it right!

Hey there Andree, I'm using some 20s right now without any problems. I just stay on top of water quality/tank cleanliness.

All the best,


04-08-2010, 10:20 PM
Here we go again in the 20 gallon tank, one fry left and lots of eggs on the new pot.

Wasn't quite ready for this...

04-09-2010, 12:47 PM
Have a lot of attrition today...I was out of RO water...I am going to need a better method than driving nine miles to buy water as I think that might be the issue.

04-09-2010, 12:58 PM
I added some Maroxy today, although it might be a little late. I wonder if I should buy some distilled water at the local store?

04-26-2010, 01:48 PM
I haven't had any success yet but I do have 20 wriggling. I have the tank almost all cleaned out, with a white filter, RO water, all good parameters...today they are going to start flying around.

I do still have an algae problem - I bought an algae eater but got worried and shifted it to the other tank!

...put them on a web cam so I can watch them today:
