View Full Version : Selling out..

03-25-2010, 11:14 PM
Hello, I have finally made the decision to cut "WAY BACK" or very close to selling all my discus..Possibly selling most of my tanks and equipment also..I have adult white scorps,adult bulldog pigeons,1 adult pigeon checker,2 yellow crystals (almost sub-adult),and some HB carnation pigeon snakes (4"),another very quality pigeon checker line (4pcs. -4".5+ discus)..Possibly proven pairs too, have not made my final decision on letting them all/some go (pairs) ,but that will determine if I am keeping any discus or none....I have posted many pictures of my collection here on Simply..I have also advertised locally to local fish clubs and LFS ..I reside in western PA. Sorry no shipping..

03-26-2010, 07:17 AM
Wow Vince, this is a big time shock! Hope everything is alright.

All the best,


David Rose
03-26-2010, 08:01 AM
Vince...I'm so sorry to read your message. I too hope everything is alright!

All the best,

03-26-2010, 08:13 AM
Where in western PA are you? I am also in western PA.

03-26-2010, 08:30 AM
Vince thats a real bummer...you've been doing some nice work with the white butterfly lines... I was hoping to trade stock with you down the road!:(

Hope you decide to stay with Discus...but what ever you do...best of luck!


03-26-2010, 01:45 PM
WOW Vince sorry to hear that happen to you, hope everything will be fine;). hope you could keep some of those beauty man. well get well soon;)

take care

03-27-2010, 02:53 PM
Thanks everybody,,will hopefully reply more tonight..Thanks

03-27-2010, 03:12 PM
seems like a lot of people are selling their discus. good luck with the sale Vince, but please don't sell your top notch WB's.

03-28-2010, 03:48 PM
Pm me I am very interested in you r stuff let me know,

03-28-2010, 07:28 PM
:cry::cry: A very sad day! I do hope all is ok with you Vince, & wish you good luck in future endeavors...


03-28-2010, 10:27 PM
Thanks everyone for the overwhelming feeling of thanks/concern...I cannot say THANK YOU enough..As far for my health, it is what I have for the rest of my life...My health is something that I have to deal with and I do not let it make me live my life on my knees..I have been contenplating which way to approach this decision.(discus hobby)In the past and recently I have been pulled in many different directions with too many task to myself handle,time wise and mentally..I have been staying afloat taking care of my discus on pure ambition to do what ever it takes to keep them healthy..Water changes late at night if not the early hours of the morning..Eventually it has caught up to me, me being mentally drained and unsatisfied with everything in general...Hense my initial post here on this thread..My spouse and I have been talking about the whole situation,pros/cons and everything else. I know on one fact that I have to cut back and prioritise my strains /quantity of discus ..I have ran into this situation in the past and let go of alot of discus to make time for everything..I strongly regret my decision that I made in the past..I have came to decision that I am not willing to put myself in that regretful position again..I have too much time and love put into my discus to turn my back on them so easily..They are a big part of who I am..Funny how a little fish can do that..So at this point in time I am only going to sell some discus and keep all my equipemnt/tanks intact and try to get a grip on things and see how it goes...It did not take long when I first got involved with discus to learn that I have became obsessed with the hobby and hopefully it would be a part of my ongoing life..One big plus is my better half also supports me and enjoys discus too..Just to think some days I look up at the sky and ask why do I deserve person like her..

03-28-2010, 10:33 PM
Thanks for the update Vince, I hear you. Things can definitely get overwhelming at times. I am glad to hear you will be keeping some fish though, as they are definitely a source of stress relief when we get to enjoy them. You've really been pushing out alot of fry too so I am sure thats alot of work. You've done an amazing job with the breeding/raising/keeping. If there is anything you ever need, don't hesitate to ask! I know I am a million miles away but I can try.

Take care my friend!


03-28-2010, 10:40 PM
Vince pm me and we can talk I am interested in your fish let me know what you want to sell adults, pairs, juvies what strains you have let me know I am serious.I live in Philadelphia and would make the drive out to make it work.Please let me know.Hope you feel better soon!

03-28-2010, 10:41 PM
Thanks alot Eddie..Hopefully things will be able to work out timewise on a daily basis..It got to the point where my discus were a chore and did not see the enjoyment anymore..It was lumped on the daily list of things that needed done..Hopefully with time I will be able to play with my discus and put the smile back on my face when I am with them..

03-28-2010, 10:43 PM
Thanks the for interest..Please give a little time and I should be able to get list of discus I am letting go..I just need another 3-4 hours added to the 24hr. day..
Vince pm me and we can talk I am interested in your fish let me know what you want to sell adults, pairs, juvies what strains you have let me know I am serious.I live in Philadelphia and would make the drive out to make it work.Please let me know.Hope you feel better soon!

03-28-2010, 10:46 PM
Vince pm me and we can talk I am interested in your fish let me know what you want to sell adults, pairs, juvies what strains you have let me know I am serious.I live in Philadelphia and would make the drive out to make it work.Please let me know.Hope you feel better soon!

03-28-2010, 11:06 PM
Please give me a PM with your phone number...I will give you call tomorrow ..It is getting late and the week is starting its crazy cycle early in the morning..I have chosen to keep some discus and I have to have time to really evaluate everything that I am letting go plus do everything else going on at the moment..Please bear with me....
Vince pm me and we can talk I am interested in your fish let me know what you want to sell adults, pairs, juvies what strains you have let me know I am serious.I live in Philadelphia and would make the drive out to make it work.Please let me know.Hope you feel better soon!

03-29-2010, 10:28 AM

Sorry to hear that. Life can be tough. We have to face different challenges and obstacles every daily. I like to share a bible verse with you ( if you don't mind .... and I hope this is not in violation of any forum policy here).

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4, 6-7)

This bible verse gave me guidance all these years ..

Hope you will like this song ..


04-03-2010, 08:47 PM
Hello, hope everyone is well..Been too busy for for 2 people to handle..Real soon I am posting pictures of everything that I am selling..I am replying to those of you that have inquired about my discus soon..Off again to finish the day out,,not done with my day yet..

04-03-2010, 09:53 PM
I'm sorry to hear this as well, however I can totally understand. I can tell you from experience....not having the tanks is hard, but at the same time its so much more relaxing and you realize exactly how much time you were putting into them after they are dry. Its a good break sometimes. Less is more is a pretty true statement.

04-05-2010, 08:48 PM
do you have any blowers/linear piston pumps for sale?