View Full Version : Female attacking the male

03-28-2010, 05:21 PM
My brilliant blue pair finally lay eggs yesterday and didn't eat them. However, moment after they finish .. the female started to attack the male .. They fight back and forth ... I left them alone hoping that they will settle down .. This afternoon, they are still fighting and the wound on the male body is noticable. The male is even bigger thanthe female but it's the female that is beating him up. So to avoid further injury, I have no choice to but pull the male and put him into another tank.

Any suggestion on what to do next time around ? I really don't want to seperate them.

03-28-2010, 05:40 PM
The female might have been protecting the eggs. She might have sensed that the male was going to eat them. Get the male out and see if the female can raise them herself. Next time they spawn try fencing the eggs, instructions to do so are all over in many threads. That way the female may feel more secure about the eggs. Or not. You'll have to try different things. Next time she might not even drive off the male, these guys are so unpredictable.

03-29-2010, 10:29 AM
I would have done exactly what you did. Next time, if the same thing happens and the female was able to raise this batch on her own, remove the male again.