View Full Version : Photo diary of my first discus

03-30-2010, 02:37 PM
I decided I would repost my pictures in the photo section and a diary to keep track of their growth. (That will be why some look like repeats at this time!) I want to try to update each Sunday.
First, what they are:
2 Stendker red Scribbelt
2 Stendker Flachen
2 Stendker Flachen Snakeskin
1 Stendker Red Turquoise

When I first got them:

First time they ate from my hand

And end of the first week of growth!

03-31-2010, 10:06 PM
Awww... those are really cute pictures! :)

I'll be following your diary.



03-31-2010, 11:58 PM
Great idea! Keep those pictures coming.

04-01-2010, 02:15 AM
looking good

04-04-2010, 06:31 PM
Week three: They seem to only want to eat from my hand, and only black worms, so Im going to have to stick to the dont feed them the worms, I just like to see them happy and full. Trying new life sinking pellets, and one of them at least eats it.




OH! They got a new home too, up to a 55 with some frog bit and painted sides. They seem to like it.


04-05-2010, 11:50 PM
Well, they just were too cute and needed more pictures. They LOVE hand feeding, but they currently are coming to the surface and hunting for the loose worms within the frogs bit, so they eat normally now. Although as I'm cleaning I feel little pricks all over as they confuse my arm hairs with little worms...




Getting brave!

04-11-2010, 11:39 PM
Another week of growth. Changes this week was keeping my temperature at 84 degree or higher, peaking to 88 degree. Notice more color from them, and a MUCH larger appetite. My two Scribblets seem to be falling behind, and one is very secluded, hopefully they will catch up, but they are my youngest of the group.

Other tank changes was the addition of 6 green Cory's. The discus spent a long time staring at them. Anywho, this weeks pictures.








04-11-2010, 11:56 PM
i see some growth on them, good job. what's your wc schedule?

04-12-2010, 05:16 AM
Looking good Jared! Keep up the great work, keeping them bellies full!

All the best,


04-12-2010, 12:29 PM
Rick- They get daily 50% changes (In the 30 gallon they had 80% changes) Every other day I wipe down the tank, and no less then once a week they get a flopping water change(About a 95-99% change)

Eddie- Thanks! There are days I wish I could fast forward their growth, but even looking through my own diary I can see the growth in three weeks and get excited to see them finish growing out. Some of them look a little fat don't they? lol

04-19-2010, 12:07 AM
Another Sunday, another update. The scriblets seem like they are falling behind in growth, but I honestly think it's just their age difference and they are getting close to their growth spurt. They eat just as much as the other guys. You can see in a few of the pictures my slightly "off" scriblet. Whenever food comes around he goes black, and then suddenly chases off all the other fish, lol.







Larry Bugg
04-19-2010, 12:17 AM
Looking great!! I know the feeling of wanting to fast forward on the growth, but what you are learning in the process of growing them out will be invaluable to you down the road.

04-19-2010, 12:34 AM
Thanks Larry! I am enjoying them growing out at this point. When you can see growth, it makes it easier.
What suprises me, is the color difference on my two snake skins. The one appears very green compared to the red just behind him, I'm anxious to see them color up.

Darrell Ward
04-19-2010, 12:49 AM
I'm glad to see you are taking the time, and putting in the effort to grow them properly. I read posts way too often of people who rush to throw their little ones into planted tanks and such, and I know it's going to end up in disaster with their limited experience. Good luck with them.

04-19-2010, 01:46 AM
Thanks for the good words Darrell, as Larry stated, i think taking the time to properly grow them out is a much more valuable learning tool. Discus adults aren't cheap. Hell, the 7 babies I got cost three times as much as the entire stock of my wife's 55 gallon tank. What better way to understand them and learn how to take care of the investment then to grow them out, and read. A lot.

04-19-2010, 03:06 AM
Those flachen make me weak in the knees. They are gonna be some good lookers when they mature

04-20-2010, 12:18 AM
Hi there guys,

What color is the tank painted? Is that light blue or white? As I wish to paint the back of my tank the same color.



Larry Bugg
04-20-2010, 12:22 AM
Hi there guys,

What color is the tank painted? Is that light blue or white? As I wish to paint the back of my tank the same color.



Think it is Krylon Bahama Sea, but Jared can confirm.

04-20-2010, 12:48 AM
Think it is Krylon Bahama Sea, but Jared can confirm.

That it is! Walmart is a great place to get it, was $2.98 a bottle.

I found for some reason, you really want to get it in a single coat, as it crinkled up on my glass.

04-20-2010, 01:06 AM
That it is! Walmart is a great place to get it, was $2.98 a bottle.

I found for some reason, you really want to get it in a single coat, as it crinkled up on my glass.

Ah damn, I'm not in America so I can't get it from Walmart.

Tsk tsk * Any tips on painting the background ?

04-20-2010, 01:12 AM
Ah damn, I'm not in America so I can't get it from Walmart.

Tsk tsk * Any tips on painting the background ?

Well, any place that might sell the Kyrlon brand can get it for you I am sure.

Paint the outside of the glass, not the inside! Use a good quality cleaner to prep the glass, and then paint just like you would anything else. It's pretty easy! I did my 2 55's (painting 4 sides each) in about 15 minutes.

04-20-2010, 01:57 AM
Well, any place that might sell the Kyrlon brand can get it for you I am sure.

Paint the outside of the glass, not the inside! Use a good quality cleaner to prep the glass, and then paint just like you would anything else. It's pretty easy! I did my 2 55's (painting 4 sides each) in about 15 minutes.

Thanks for the tip. Just a couple of more questions :

1 - Do you use a roller / paint brush ?

2 - Is one layer enough ?

3 - Is it easy to pill off the paint if I decide to change color ?

04-20-2010, 11:16 AM
Thanks for the tip. Just a couple of more questions :

1 - Do you use a roller / paint brush ?

2 - Is one layer enough ?

3 - Is it easy to pill off the paint if I decide to change color ?

1- The color that I used (and Bugman for that matter) is a spray paint. You just spray it on.

2- With proper prep one layer is plenty.

3- Using a razor blade, the paint comes right off.

04-20-2010, 09:58 PM
1- The color that I used (and Bugman for that matter) is a spray paint. You just spray it on.

2- With proper prep one layer is plenty.

3- Using a razor blade, the paint comes right off.

Thank you so much! :)

04-21-2010, 02:49 PM
another way to do the back ground is vinyl for a "sign shop" - it works well & comes off a little easier if u decide 2 change up.

04-25-2010, 03:16 AM
another way to do the back ground is vinyl for a "sign shop" - it works well & comes off a little easier if u decide 2 change up.

Cheers I will look into that

04-25-2010, 09:41 PM
Another week another update. The guys have been worrying me, they seem to have been a bit more sensitive to movement, so Ive kept their lights down. Some of it may just be a sudden increase in aggression.
This week there also has been added a potted amazon sword from my own tanks.

I took these during the water change so they are a bit nervous and showing some clamping. My scriblets get nearly black anytime I work on the tank so I dont worry about them. If anyone sees something alarming feel free to alert me.





04-26-2010, 04:26 AM
Hey there Jared, they do look a bit stressed. I'm wondering how you do water changes, is it straight from tap or aged? The one dark fish seems to have some slight spotting or grayish areas on the slime coat. I'm thinking initially it may be from the water change.


04-26-2010, 10:50 AM
Hey there Jared, they do look a bit stressed. I'm wondering how you do water changes, is it straight from tap or aged? The one dark fish seems to have some slight spotting or grayish areas on the slime coat. I'm thinking initially it may be from the water change.


I was going to PM you to ask your opinion.

Water is aged 24 hours, there is no change in PH, but it allows me to keep the temp correct.

If the gray spots are on the smallest fish (the Scribblets) they show their slight coloring even when dark. I've noticed that and payed very close attention to it.

This morning all but one of the snake skins where mostly back to normal. He had a slight lean to him (mouth at a 45 degree angle to the bottom). I'm going to pick up some epson salt and pull the plant back out of the tank.

It's a challenge for me, I see a slight change and want to blast them with care, but Ive found letting them be has been the most successful treatment yet.

04-26-2010, 11:06 AM
You could try Stress Coat from API - it is a tap water conditioner plus has Aloe Vera to help "promote slime coat" - that may help


also Seachem makes a "Stress Coat" also


you may want to try RO water - I do 50/50 - half tap water & half ro water - my tap is like 7.6 ph & ro is usually around 6.3 - plus RO water is very soft - my ph is 6.8 w/o any chemicals

when using ro a lot of the "natural" discus water conditions are removed but API, Kent, Seachem all make discus "trace elements" to add 2 ur tank - help recreate the trace elements discus are looking 4


I am just a beginner w/ discus so I know others have different opinions about chemicals - I also have Hans Discus & this is working 4 me

I am a Seachem fan but API & Kent are also very good names in the business

hope this helps


04-26-2010, 11:27 AM
Well, one thing to mention is my tap water is perfect. Most of us Georgia discus owners get water from Lake Lanier, and I mean, save for using some prime or safe, we need nothing to condition our water.

04-26-2010, 07:35 PM
Dont worry about RO and you dont need any products that produce slime coat. I'll get back with you via PM.


04-28-2010, 10:53 AM
OMG, your photos are so great. I couldn't help but post a comment. I've been out of discus for years and seeing your photos and some others on here really really makes me yearn to go back, but we have the worst water here.

Anyway, I didn't mean to whine about myself. Just wanted to say your photos are real eye candy for me. I hand-fed my blue diamonds because their growth was somewhat slower than the other discus I had, and I loved every minute of having them. They grew big and strong and then I sold them because I couldn't deal with all the water issues.

You are blessed to have such good water. Keep posting pictures!


04-28-2010, 12:28 PM
No pictures, they are currently on day 2 of a quick cure treatment. Eddie was kind enough to PM me at length identifying a few potential warning signs. Mainly observed was a reduction in gill movement on one side, as well as some minor discolorations in the slime coat. And rather then waiting for it to get worse I went ahead and treated. So far the Cory's seem to be standing it without issue, we'll see how it goes.

I'm also using the three days of reduced feeding to try and motivate them back to a beefheart mixture. They'll be hungry at the end of treatment =D

And thanks Kathi for the kind words!

04-28-2010, 12:36 PM
I hope the treatment is successful and you are back to posting photos! :) It's great to have people like Eddie to watch your back, so to speak.

Kind words? Oh, no, just the truth.

Good luck for continued success.

04-28-2010, 12:55 PM
I gotta saw, updates like these really helps me get some exposure before jumping in with my own discus. Thanks

04-29-2010, 01:09 AM
As mentioned with my last update, I was concerned with my little guys, but had no idea how to identify any problems.

Eddie (a asset to simply) reviewed my pictures and also expressed concern, at first thinking it could be a water quality issue. After conversing with him over PM, we found several concerning factors. They had abnormal spotting on their slime coat. They also were not breathing correctly. (Using one side of their gills).

After coming to the conclusion it was likely the result of a external bacteria, Eddie recommended a treatment with QuICK Cure. The treatment was done at 82 degrees, no lights (except during tank maintenance) no feeding, removed carbon from the filters. The amount treated was 2.5ml per day, with a 50% water change. These pictures are just before the last days medicine dosing. Needless to say they look a LOT better! And are VERY hungry, Im thinking I'll get them back onto beefheart after this 3 day span with nothing more then a few pellets.

Thanks again Eddie!





04-29-2010, 07:57 AM
Anytime Jared! They do look alot more at ease too, not dark like the last pictures. Just to add, we together assessed the situation and narrowed it down to possible external parasite affecting the fishes.

They look great man! Great job! ;)


04-29-2010, 11:55 AM
in that last picture i see a flat stomach, has that one been eating?

04-29-2010, 12:23 PM
in that last picture i see a flat stomach, has that one been eating?

They have been off food during the treatment for the most part. That added with the earlier stress he may have not been. They all peck at pellets, and I am sure looking forward to going back to their worms tonight.

05-03-2010, 12:14 AM
Wow, just realized it was Sunday, so I snapped some pictures. Nothing exciting to report really. They have been healthy and eating a lot since last week where they looked sick and where treated with QuICK Cure. In the first picture the really dark scribblet was just fighting with the other one.



05-03-2010, 06:55 AM
They look good, now keep their bellies full Jared!

All the best,


05-03-2010, 10:33 PM
Hello, Jared.
I have been enjoying your photo diary.
In late March I picked up four Stendker Flachen x Snake Skin and four Red Scribbelts in 2-1/2" size.
We'll have to compare notes sometime.
Real nice job on yours.

05-09-2010, 12:24 AM
Tonight after taking the wife to dinner I come home to one of the scribblets suffering from severe swollen eyes. I coresponded to Eddie via PM (he's awesome for taking the time to help) as I had great success with the last outbreak following his advise. It was believed to be suffering from a severe bacteria infection. I removed him and placed him in a 20 gallon tank. I did not have furan-2 on hand, but had Binox which behaves very similarly. I disolved the recommended dose and placed it in the tank. I checked on him the past hour and his breathing has nearly stopped, his body has gone rigid and I am fairly certain he will die here shortly.

It's a sad, painful thing to loose your first discus. Although I can't imagine time, or experince makes any loss easy. I will with-hold posting the two pictures I sent Eddie for right now, but I may post them to help aide the community.

What baffles me, in less then 4 hours he died.

I am looking at potentially treating the entire tank with Furan-2, even though they have shown no symptoms. The plant that I had added shortly before this began has been removed. Despite the dip I gave it, it is the only change that we suspect.

All of my 6th wedding aniversary up to this point had been great =(.

I have 4 new fish coming in from Kenny tuesday, they have their own tank with unique equipment just for it (I actually have 4 sets of everything). I am picking fry for a strain I hope to create in the future, and the Scribblets where not part of it, it was only a fish i picked for it's beauty.


05-09-2010, 03:40 PM
Aw, Jared, I'm so sorry about this. It's a horrible thing to suffer your first loss (or any, for that matter) but it sure doesn't help on a special day for you.

I hope the rest respond to treatment.

At least you'll have the shipment of Kenny's discus to look forward to.

Don't be discouraged. Discus aren't easy fish to keep but you are doing well, and with pros like Eddie that will advise you, you'll do fine. Hang in there.


05-09-2010, 06:17 PM
At current none if the other 6 look ill. The suspected cause of death is a organ failure. He was the one that never seemed quite right and likely had a minor deficiency.

And while it is not fun to loose a fish, I've got 6 more, the shipment from Kenny and because of the fish i've made some great friends. I'll charge the camera battery and post my usual update. Thanks for the support.

05-09-2010, 06:53 PM
That sucks mate. I had one that had severe swollen eyes once, and I almost completely lost it. Somehow I saved it and brought it back, and it is now one of my largest, it just has a bad eye.
It sucks to loose your first, but tuesday will make it all better

05-10-2010, 12:31 AM
Well, I made that small report that I lost a scribblet in a sudden death. Other 6 are looking great, the two hiding behind the filter are shy during water changes but they came out and were eating well. Ive been trying to keep food there reguarly for them, they've been tearing it up. My pellets drop 3 times a day as well as 2-3 feedings of worms a day.



06-07-2010, 02:31 PM
Been a long time, I've been very very busy. I've got a few pictures I need to upload. The crew is doing great, growing fairly well. I got 4 discuss in from Kenny that have their own tank and they are doing wonderfully as well. With work, I've had time to feed, change water and then squeeze in some sleep! I'll try some evening to get a update done.

06-08-2010, 10:09 AM
Great job with the fish. They are growing nicely. Sorry about you losing the one scribblet but it happens to all of us at some point. Sometimes for no apparant reasn one dies and all other remain healthy. But the rest of your fish look fantastic. Be sure to post pics of the new ones.


07-05-2010, 12:24 AM
So it has been far too long since I have made a update. I have had a work schedule that left me the time I needed to clean the tanks and then sleep. My posting had slowed down enough some really good friends had sent emails to check in on me which I appreciated greatly! Anyway the news!

I got in four new fish from Kenny, and after the shipment I found the direction that I would like to go with my future with the discus hobby. I plan to focus greatly in the Golden strain and attempt to bring out some pretty fun colors. From Kenny I got a Checkerboard Pigeon the wife named Fandango,
a Leopard named Xorex (Wife saw a upside down xerox box) and the two goldens are Honey dew and Cantaloupe. The larger one the wife thought was a guy, so he has a Honey Do list (Like we all do!)

My previous fish are doing well, still have the 6 going strong. One snake skin has hit a HUGE growth spurt, as has my Scribblet, the others are doing fairly well, but a bit off pace. All in all I've had a great time growing my knowledge in the world of discus. Hopefully I'll have a bit calmer schedule in the future.

On to the pictures! I had just turned on the lights and hadn't vacuumed the tanks yet, so excuse the mess. And the last one I posted for fun, the Pigeon and the Leopard appear that they might be pairing (although I think they are way too young, but they really seem to dance) but they had just charged that one golden, and the expression of the one in back is priceless "OH DUDE YOU JUST GOT OWNED!)

(If anything seems off, I had to write this 3 times thanks to computer errors!)


Larry Bugg
07-05-2010, 12:45 AM
Glad to see you back posting Jared. That Leopard is going to be excellent. I'm a bit partial to spotteds right now.

07-05-2010, 12:56 AM
That Leopard is going to be excellent. I'm a bit partial to spotteds right now.

He is a bit of a looker! He's growing very fast. Am I right in thinking they are a bit small to be thinking about pairing up?

Larry Bugg
07-05-2010, 01:41 AM
How big are they. Can't really tell from a picture.

07-05-2010, 01:04 PM
How big are they. Can't really tell from a picture.

From nose to just as the color ends before their fin they are +/-4" so I guess they are close to size?

07-06-2010, 04:37 AM
Fish look great Jared, nice new group you got!

All the best,


07-06-2010, 11:53 PM
looks great! Can't wait for mine to grow :)