View Full Version : Enough of the Friction please

04-01-2010, 06:27 AM
There are three different threads presently that make me cringe when I read them. It is just arguments ( not banter) and negative statements, not respecting one another . I wish it would stop.. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion without getting totally slammed for it.. Let's play nice and enjoy the positiveness of this forum and hobby. PLESE :9I

04-01-2010, 08:05 AM
I wish it would stop as well. We aren't talking about Novices here that don't know whats expected on this site for behavior... Generally I accept that not everyone will get along...what I don't accept is when it spills on this forum when it should be handled in a mature and civil fashion out of the public eye. Its bad enough when members do not treat each other in a mutually respectful fashion...but it shows no respect for this forum and community when they do this in public here.

A reminder for everyone.

The forum's Moderator staff has been made aware of this and will be watching for more BS... It will not be tolerated by ANYONE.

Thank you,