View Full Version : Wigglers!!!

04-04-2010, 07:51 AM
Well this tis the 4th spawn from these two.. They had a small case of flukes which put them off of spawning for awhile.. The last spawn made it to day 2 of wigglers.. we are now today on day two of wigglers.. I hope I can get these further along... anyway now ont to the picts...
This is Mom a Stendecker "fire red" female of about 4 years of age.
This is Dad a pigeon blood from an unknown breeder (I belive somewhere in Chicago area by way of the Eatern Iowa then on to me)He is a "Proven" male with another female that the breeder I got them from.
Here are the eggs... As you can see Dad is very protective.. Mom well she has her "moments".. ususally arround feeding time..:)
and here are the wigglers transfered from the tank wall to the breeding cone.. not good picts as I was trying not to spook them too much and just get a quick shot with out the flash

David Rose
04-04-2010, 09:34 AM
Congratulations on your wigglers! I love the coloring on your pair.

Please do keep up up-to-date with pictures and their progress.


04-04-2010, 04:42 PM
thanks these two are my favorites but I have some Juvie "velvet Rouge" from Tony Tan that are starting to color up that I am starting to like a lot also..
PS almost another day done and wigglers still on the cone. I just witnessed Mom getting a bunch of little ones back on the cone.. So I hope it all works out.. Right now I have every digit metaphorically crossed hoping this will work out.

04-04-2010, 04:58 PM
Exciting times! Best of luck CB. If you haven't hatched bbs before, now is a good time to practice. :)

04-04-2010, 08:57 PM
yeah I have the whole brine shrimp hatching thing down.. I used to breed angefish... So I have bottles and bottles going all the time.. but I do have to break out the hatchery.. and check out the eggs that I have left in the fridge...

04-05-2010, 08:18 AM
Went down this morning to check on the fry.. and I have free swimmers.. I removed the big spong filter.. after shaking several fry off it. and removed the piece of slate from the tank, reduced the air flow to the remaining white panyhose covered sponge filter. As I was doing this I noticed the male swimming slowly around the tank trying to get the fry to attach.. The female was swimming around picking up the free swimmers and putting them back on the cone.. So hopefully she will get the hang of the attachment thing.. I am planning on lowering the water level to make it easier for the fry when I get home tonite! This has been a long journey with several different pairs. It has taken me over 3 years to get this far! I just hope the fry are there when I get home today. My daughter is off from school today so I can call and get updates.

04-05-2010, 08:37 AM
Congratulations! It sounds to me like you've been raising discus fry for a while. :)

04-06-2010, 07:06 AM
went down this morning to feed and W/c the adults and noticed very few fry simming arround... So I removed the sponge filter compleatly.. Should have done this sooner...Any way removed the sponge filter and replaced with airstone sphoned out some water replaced some water.. rescued fry sucked up durring W/C and then looked in the tank.. I only saw around 9-10 fry left swimming . still not attached to mom or dad. Hopefully when I get back from work we will have some fry attached. Not really sure how many fry are left hard to count the little suckers... I sucked up aoubt 6 wehn I did the water change I hope there are more swimming around that I cant see.

04-08-2010, 08:50 AM
Well as I half expected the free swimmers slowly faded away. Without attaching to either parent. As this is only their 4th spawn together I cant say I was not disapointed but then again they are still a young couple. So I cleaned the tank refilled it to the top and made plans for a small lamp to be left on 24/7 once we get to the next spawning. I will also refrain from feeding the parents while waiting on fry to attach. I also have some white paper for the front of the tank ready. The sides and back are painted light blue so I should be good to go for the next attempt. I have never gotten to freee swimming with any other pair of discus I have had so I am still excited about this. I jsut hope it does not take as long for her to spawn again as it did last time.. Over two months between spawns.. Both fish are older (over 4years old) So I dont know how long till the next spawn. We will see. I just hope my Paitence will be rewarded some time!!