View Full Version : Size and Age

04-06-2010, 09:41 AM
Hello again, all.

I was reading something on here moments ago about water changes being done so many times a week; less so if you have adult Discus, and it brought up another question. At what point in measurement is a Discus considered an Adult? I will be getting my Discus from Hans, who sells most of his Fish at 2.5", 3", 4", 5", and 6-7". I had originally wanted to get the little 2.5"s, or the 3" ones because I like to watch things grow.

And I know this is completely off topic and stupid, but I need a place to vent, and what better place than here? :p I have yet to get my actual Discus tank set up. Well, set up AGAIN. Turns out my shiny new 55g corner tank sprung a leak about 3/4 the way through cycling, and I had to completely drain it because the leak was on the bottom and I had nothing to store water in. I was so flabbergasted that I just stood there staring at it for a good ten minutes. If it hadn't started to leak, I probably would've gone up to Hans' place and gotten my fish by now! So, I decided to take the ultimate revenge on that devil-tank. It's going to get re-sealed, and filled up with my little poo-machine Goldfish. Take that, Devil Tank. Hence, the 90g in my bedroom is going to become the Discus Tank. (Didn't take much prodding, really. That was my original plan, anyway, lol. :D)

That being said, does anyone know where I can find a good HUGE BIG piece of driftwood to pop in the tank?

04-06-2010, 07:51 PM
First question, size and age can be very...variable. On average, an adult will be anywhere from 5-8 inches. Its all about the genetics and the care they receive. If your asking about Stendker discus from Hans....your looking at 7+ inches as adults. They have the genetics and they get stellar care.

Second question, manzanita.com has some killer manzanita branches that you can screw mate together, to make an AMAZING center piece for your aquarium.



04-06-2010, 10:10 PM
Thanks, Eddie. And yes, I was talking about Hans' discus. Once I get the 90 Discus-ready, I'm gonna head up there and grab about 6-8 to begin with. I'm really considering getting Juvies, and was just curious to see what age/size adults would be considered.

I'll probably grab them the week of the 17th. I'll be off all that week and can sit in front of the tank until I can't hold my eyes open anymore, lol. :D:D:angel:

04-06-2010, 10:19 PM
get 6 of his $150 adults. you honestly can't beat that @ about a 7" discus

04-06-2010, 11:38 PM
get 6 of his $150 adults. you honestly can't beat that @ about a 7" discus

+1, I'd skip the juvies for now. ;)