View Full Version : Adding juvies with adults?

04-07-2010, 09:18 AM
I haven't seen this asked lately, so I figured I'll give it a go...

What are your guys' opinions on adding juvies in an established tank which already has a couple adults (4" - 5")? I'd like a few more discus, but don't feel like dealing with a growout tank.

Will the new guys get bullied/not grow or will they school with the others? Or is it completely unpredictable. Any actual experiences are welcomed!


04-07-2010, 09:23 AM
Its very unpredictable, can be a problem or it can work. Best thing is to have an option in the event it doesn't work. Alot has to do with the temperament of the adults and the juvies. The last time I did it, it was all fine since the juvies thought they ruled the world! ;)

All the best,


04-07-2010, 09:35 AM
Well, I recently added nine 2" juv to my community tank that already have a few 4" and 5" fishes. Everyone seems to be fine. The little one are actually more active. They will go all the way to the top to fight for food.

Like Eddie said, I do have another empty tank to use if it doesn't work out. I am just trying to save that tank for other use.

04-07-2010, 10:03 AM
I think if it's a couple of adults, against 4-5 juvies, it might work. But if it's 3-4 adults, against 3-4 juvies, it might be harder. Also, if the adults are mature and want to spawn, be extra cautious.

I have that same problem, with 3 mature adults looking to spawn. I'm about to add 3 juvies to this tank. I talked to a sponsor here and we agreed that adding 2" fish would not go well, so I got 3 3.5-4" juvies. They should be able to handle it better.

04-07-2010, 10:31 AM
It's implied but not explicitly said: do not forget to quarantine the juvies first!

04-07-2010, 10:40 AM
I had two 3" juvies with 3 adults. The juvies were doing great and growing well until two adults paired off and spawned. Now the juvies don't have the freedom to roam and feeding time is more favored towards the adults.

It can work, but like it was mentioned earlier, spawning behavior will cause lots of changes within the tank. To be honest, I wish my adults would stop spawning, but you can't change nature.

I moved the juvies to another tank.

04-07-2010, 11:10 AM
I actually had a grow out tank for my juvies..but there was something about the tank or the tanks location that they didn't like so they were stressed out. One day I added them to my large tank with about 6 4 inchers and 4 5 inchers, and they've thrived since I put them in there.

It just depends on the juvies and the larger fish/size tank

04-07-2010, 11:40 AM
Ok, I have been dieing to ask this question for a while now. What is everyones defintion of a Juvie? At what size does a juvie become an adult? Opinions?

04-07-2010, 12:04 PM
Ok, I have been dieing to ask this question for a while now. What is everyones defintion of a Juvie? At what size does a juvie become an adult? Opinions?

My personal definition of juv is 2" to 3" ... any fish less than 2" are frys ...
any fish larger than 4" are adult (some people like to further group 4"-5", and than 6"+)

04-07-2010, 01:55 PM
Thanks for the feedback and experiences all :). I'll take a stab at adding some youngsters to the tank.

04-08-2010, 01:23 AM
Ok, I have been dieing to ask this question for a while now. What is everyones defintion of a Juvie? At what size does a juvie become an adult? Opinions?

Size is generally irrelevant as far as juvies go but in a perfect world, Larry's response below is correct IMO. Reason being.....some people have Adult discus that are 2". So in a round about way, fry until 1.5-2 months, juvies until 5-6 months, sub-adults until 8-9 months and then adults are generally whatever comes after 9.....;)

My personal definition of juv is 2" to 3" ... any fish less than 2" are frys ...
any fish larger than 4" are adult (some people like to further group 4"-5", and than 6"+)