View Full Version : Can cyclops harm the eggs?

04-09-2010, 12:48 PM
Hey guys,

I noticed a lot of my eggs were white today, way more then I've ever seen with this pair. After observing more closely I noticed a bunch of those little annoying cyclops things all over the glass walls.

Could they have been the result of so many bad eggs. I know the male made passes, and all should've been good with him. Tank temp is 84. 38G bare bottom. The parents are being fed (not very much) with the eggs. I did a bunch of water changes before the eggs were layed. I stopped doing water changes for a couple of days ever since eggs. I just did a 40% W/C now.

04-09-2010, 01:00 PM
without a picture I would say they are from poor water quality or a very dirty filter I believe they thrive on built up organics and any uneaten food that may be caught up in the sponge/power filter. any that could explain the white fungused eggs. I would check the filter and make sure it is clean and not heavy and slimy and make sure to wipe all the sides and do large water changes tell it clears. you could add a product to kill them but I would rather equal out the system again and starve them out, unless it is very very bad then you may have to do both if they are bothering the fish.