View Full Version : Preparations

04-10-2010, 02:01 PM
So I've been reading around on here, and it seems like Very Bad Things can happen very quickly, as far as sickness and issues go.

My question is, what kind of medications/equipment/supplies should I constantly keep on hand, in case something happens? I already have a small QT (Roughly 15-20g) with an extra heater, and can get a bigger QT in a pinch if I need to (as I work in a petstore).

I hear that people always use Methelyne Blue in certain situations, and that it works pretty well. My local store doesn't carry it, so should I buy a bottle online to keep, just in case? As far as Dewormers go, I plan on getting certain foods from AngelsPlus that have dewormers in it, and giving it to the fish every so often. Would this be sufficient?

My goal is to not ever have to use any medications, but being a beginner at Discus keeping, I know this isn't very realistic. :p Things can happen, and I just want to be prepared for them. Any suggestions would be more than gladly taken. :)

04-10-2010, 02:52 PM
My question is, what kind of medications/equipment/supplies should I constantly keep on hand, in case something happens?
I hear that people always use Methelyne Blue in certain situations, and that it works pretty well. My local store doesn't carry it, so should I buy a bottle online to keep, just in case? As far as Dewormers go, I plan on getting certain foods from AngelsPlus that have dewormers in it, and giving it to the fish every so often. Would this be sufficient?

My goal is to not ever have to use any medications, but being a beginner at Discus keeping, I know this isn't very realistic. :p Things can happen, and I just want to be prepared for them. Any suggestions would be more than gladly taken. :)

An extra heater would be wise. I don't see much use for Methelyne Blue, but Epsom salts might be useful. I'd buy the meds only as needed. I prefer to worm with levamisole in the water. That way, you know all fish are getting a therapeutic dose. Medicating with food can be hit or miss, depending on who eats how much. I only worm when I have symptoms or if I buy fish from an unknown source. There's no point in worming on a regular basis unless you are using live food that could contain the worms.