View Full Version : EMERGENCY!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!

04-11-2010, 06:59 PM
I've just tested my ph since my last post, it's at 7.6!!! Do I leave everything alone, just turn on my uv sterilizer and bring it down slowly or should I a) bring it down chemically, b) do something dangerous for me and do a water change? About 4 hours ago the ph was at 6.4!!!! All fish are behaving normally right now.......

04-11-2010, 07:15 PM
My water is regularly close to that pH in my tanks...Its not going to hurt the fish at all....I would do nothing if theres no sign of stress in the fish..

Then take a step back and go over your water parameters to determine why the bounce.

tell us as much of your water parameters as you can and any water treatments and chemicals.. Do you age your water?


04-11-2010, 07:16 PM
I've just tested my ph since my last post, it's at 7.6!!! Do I leave everything alone, just turn on my uv sterilizer and bring it down slowly or should I a) bring it down chemically, b) do something dangerous for me and do a water change? About 4 hours ago the ph was at 6.4!!!! All fish are behaving normally right now.......

Leave it be

Edit: Sry, just realized your pH is fluctuating. Can you age your water?

04-11-2010, 07:27 PM
Your Ph is fine if you drop it fast you could really hurt or kill your fish. Does your Ph come out of the tap low? My Ph comes out of the tap at 7.4 and slowly goes up to 7.8, but if your Ph goes up that much from the tap you need to age your water. Never use chemicals to change your Ph unless you know what you are doing.

04-11-2010, 07:36 PM
OK, parameters would be important:

46 gal
6.4 ph
10 ppm nitrates
0 nitrites
0 ammonia
hardness unknown, but tested by LFS and told to be excellent
Frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp 2x's a day
85 degrees
6 juvies, two cories, 1 tetra
3x's week water change, Prime added to the water (straight from tap)
Filter is 2 years old
Tap water is 6.4

I'm unable to age my water, so I do a mini-age

No signs of stress......

I've never had this problem before.....

04-11-2010, 08:00 PM
Your city my have started adding something that makes your Ph swing, check the tap Ph if it is allot lower than 7.6 you will have to do something so you can age it, rubbermade trash cans work great fill it put air stone and heater in it and age 24hrs.

04-11-2010, 08:14 PM
May be your test kit, sometimes mine does that and I'll retest a couple of times and find that its normal, something in the tube or what not.