View Full Version : which cory catfish is suitable

04-13-2010, 04:31 PM
i currently have 2 albino, 2 julii, 2 peppered cory catfish in my 75 gallon tank. i also have a dwarf gourami. i will be receiving 5 adult discus. i wanted to know if these fish will be ok with the high temps in a discus tank.
can someone recommend a good schooling fish for my discus tank. i mean something else besides the standard rummynose and cardinal tetras

angel eyes
04-26-2010, 05:55 AM
i currently have 2 albino, 2 julii, 2 peppered cory catfish in my 75 gallon tank. i also have a dwarf gourami. i will be receiving 5 adult discus. i wanted to know if these fish will be ok with the high temps in a discus tank.
can someone recommend a good schooling fish for my discus tank. i mean something else besides the standard rummynose and cardinal tetras

the cory's will be fine and so should the dwarf gourami (bump the temp slowly to 86F)...I have a 90g with 7 discus, 12 bronze corydoras, several dwarf honey gouramis, and a school of glow lite tetras, and 2 kerri tetras, and 2 glass catfish (sadly, my lfs never got any more in..reason for only 2)

If your not a fan of rummy noses or cardinals you may want to give the glow lites a shot.

Here's just a few that come to mind:
Glow Lite Tetras
Kerri Tetras
Emperor Tetras
Glass Bloodfin Tetras
Black Neon Tetras
Praecox Rainbowfish
Glass Catfish
Marbled Hatchetfish are great top level swimmers and make good dither fish

04-26-2010, 08:56 AM
I have 10 harlequin rasboras and 10 espeii rasboras and they are awesome!! Tight little schoolers, very pretty fish.

07-27-2010, 10:29 PM
i was at Gulf Coast Discus in Houston, this weekend.. they had several large discus in a big tank.. at the bottom.. there was a school of about 30 plus cory cats.. it was AMAZING!! it was like a HERD of Corys!! they also had about 30 cardinals.. these fish are amazing in large groups!! i can't wait to set up my 125 and get myself a Herd of Corys!! its a fantastic sight!! : )

07-27-2010, 10:48 PM
just lost my albino cory. Was told temp too high. Replaced with 2 more. will see if they last longer than few months. Awsome garbage cans!

angel eyes
01-13-2011, 09:59 AM
just lost my albino cory. Was told temp too high. Replaced with 2 more. will see if they last longer than few months. Awsome garbage cans!

VERY late response, but I've kept albinos in temps up to 86F without issues.

01-14-2011, 06:19 AM
I have pandas julii albinos peppers and bronze cories. I find the albinos and the peppers only live a couple of years but the pandas and julii are doing great guns. The pandas are my favourite

01-14-2011, 12:31 PM
Hello all
Could anybody tell me a good place where I can get corys?
Thank you

03-05-2011, 06:43 PM
I got two sets of six Sterba's Corys (one for each discus tank)- these fish are attractive, active, school nicely, ignore discus totally, and prefer Discus temps (82 - 86F) and pH/hardness. Couldn't have a better clean up fish.
Yes, very old thread but I haven't seen anyone post this ideal clean up fish - perfect for Discus, inexpensive and really no down side since they need idenical water conditions. As a tank mate, don't think you can do better for a clean up fish and their max size is 2.6 inch.

Darrell Ward
03-05-2011, 10:02 PM
I recently got 6 wild cories from Brazil. I forget the strain, started with an "R" I think. All seemed healthy and swimming together. 24 hours later, 5 were dead in 84F water. The survivor is still with us, lonely I'm sure, 3 weeks later. I would order him some pals, but I'm afraid it would just be wasted money after that experience.

03-05-2011, 11:20 PM
There's not really such thing as a clean-up fish as they contribute to more waste and impact the bioload. :) More like scavengers in a sense.

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03-06-2011, 10:53 AM
Hello all
I posted several months ago asking if anybody could tell me where I can buy corys other then an LFS.
Anybody know? Would really appreciate some info.
Jay Walsh

03-06-2011, 07:57 PM
Jay, have you checked out AquaBid?

03-13-2011, 08:48 PM
I have 5 Sterbai and would recommend them to anyone. Attractive and leave everybody else alone.

03-13-2011, 09:33 PM
The local fish clubs usually have people offering to sell their fish... I've seen catfish up quite frequently...

I usually buy mine at the local LFS... last time I bought some, Petsmart had them on sale for $1.50/each.

03-15-2011, 02:35 PM
I have 9 glow light tetras that i might be giving a shot with my discus.I also have some pepper corys too

White Worm
03-15-2011, 02:42 PM
Sterbai and rasbora