View Full Version : Back to BB

04-13-2010, 10:12 PM
So I started out with about an inch of gravel and now after about 4 months of gravel vaccuming have decided to go back to BB. It looks cooler, easier to tell when its dirty and is just easier to deal with all around. I had the worst experience getting the gravel out, its a 110 tall so i cant reach the bottom without being on a ladder lol. I tried to suck it out with a hose.....got clogged....tried to scoop it with a net.....cant get ALL the gravel.....spilled like 5 gallons of water on my floor in the process and probly not associated with my gravel dilema but now i have strep throat. All new people save urself the trouble and go BB!!

04-13-2010, 11:17 PM
I'm a gravel man myself, but then I don't have a 110g tank. I can see how that would be a lot of gravel to clean

Double Up
04-13-2010, 11:17 PM
So I started out with about an inch of gravel and now after about 4 months of gravel vaccuming have decided to go back to BB. It looks cooler, easier to tell when its dirty and is just easier to deal with all around. I had the worst experience getting the gravel out, its a 110 tall so i cant reach the bottom without being on a ladder lol. I tried to suck it out with a hose.....got clogged....tried to scoop it with a net.....cant get ALL the gravel.....spilled like 5 gallons of water on my floor in the process and probly not associated with my gravel dilema but now i have strep throat. All new people save urself the trouble and go BB!!

Ha! I learned the hard way with a planted! Now have 4 bb discus tanks and 1 discus-free planted!

04-14-2010, 12:36 AM
Sounds like is very difficult to go the gravel way but is it as bad with sand? that's what am thinking for my first tank.
I have nothing against BB but I think some kind of bottom stuff would look better.

04-14-2010, 01:04 AM
Well I like the gravel/sand look too. Theres nothing cooler than a planted show tank, however with the actinic lighting (blue) it reflects off the bottom of the tank now thats its bare and gives the tank an awesome look. Pic is from my phone so its not the greatest, but in person its got a cool blue hue to it and you can see any nasties on the floor.http://i755.photobucket.com/albums/xx198/DerekFF/6cfac594.jpg

04-14-2010, 01:11 AM
They look very nice, how big/old are they?

04-14-2010, 02:06 AM
All about 4 1/2 -5 inches. Somewhere in the 6-8month old range. 4 from Kenny and the others from the LFS

04-15-2010, 10:06 PM
If you can id paint the bottom your discus will feel more relaxed

04-15-2010, 10:31 PM
I agree with painting the bottom. My fish used to freak out whenever I walked up to the tank, once I painted the bottom that stopped.

Nice fish! They look so tiny in a 110 gallon. lol

04-16-2010, 12:38 AM
+2 on painting the bottom and the back and sides if possible makes a huge difference how the discus react....I have a pigeon that was very peppered after I painted the back, bottom, and sides he lost almost all the peppering and looking 1000 times better.....just dont use latex paint had a bad experience use spray paint.....Oh and beautiful discus the tank does make them look smaller than they really are....:D:thumbsup:

04-16-2010, 11:35 AM
I too went to BB but I just moved the them into new tanks and old filters....took the easy way out.:D

Gravel tanks are now (1) housing killifish with plants


Angels with plants

04-16-2010, 11:04 PM
As part of my used aquarium adventures, I discovered that a plastic dustpan is a really good tool for getting gravel out of tanks... well, at least with tanks where I could reach the bottom... probably not that easy in a tall tank...

04-16-2010, 11:45 PM
As part of my used aquarium adventures, I discovered that a plastic dustpan is a really good tool for getting gravel out of tanks... well, at least with tanks where I could reach the bottom... probably not that easy in a tall tank...

+1. Less hassle

04-17-2010, 08:05 PM
Sounds like is very difficult to go the gravel way but is it as bad with sand? that's what am thinking for my first tank.
I have nothing against BB but I think some kind of bottom stuff would look better.

I've got sand in my main community discus tank and I love it. It's white, the tank is very established, bottom cleaners, good filtration, and it's the only way I feel comfortable going a week without changing the water. I find it much easier to clean with sand when compared to gravel because everything just gets cyphoned up from the top of the sand, no dirt gets below the surface (as it does with gravel).

But I gotta say, when it comes to breeding, I had to go BB - much easier to maintain when breeding. :)

04-18-2010, 03:07 AM
As part of my used aquarium adventures, I discovered that a plastic dustpan is a really good tool for getting gravel out of tanks... well, at least with tanks where I could reach the bottom... probably not that easy in a tall tank...
SUPER good idea, only problem with my 110 tall is that i just cant reach the bottom with anything other than a net or some extendable hooligan

04-18-2010, 08:25 AM
only problem with my 110 tall is that i just cant reach the bottom with anything other than a net or some extendable hooligan

Do you mean somebody to hold onto your feet? :D

04-18-2010, 02:09 PM
SUPER good idea, only problem with my 110 tall is that i just cant reach the bottom with anything other than a net or some extendable hooligan

My friend has a custom 180+/- tall and he tossed his 4 year old in the get the sand out when he went BB with his reef. :)

04-18-2010, 11:13 PM
So I started out with about an inch of gravel and now after about 4 months of gravel vaccuming have decided to go back to BB. It looks cooler, easier to tell when its dirty and is just easier to deal with all around. I had the worst experience getting the gravel out, its a 110 tall so i cant reach the bottom without being on a ladder lol. I tried to suck it out with a hose.....got clogged....tried to scoop it with a net.....cant get ALL the gravel.....spilled like 5 gallons of water on my floor in the process and probly not associated with my gravel dilema but now i have strep throat. All new people save urself the trouble and go BB!!

My juvie discus hated the BB tank. Even after I painted the bottom they still freaked out and would go dashing around the tank. Anytime someone approached, into the glass they went. After three weeks and watching two of them kill themselves I made a few changes. Added in some decor and fake plants. Now all is well. They are eating and swimming normally. Of course this is also not a 110 gallon tank and much easier to clean.

04-19-2010, 12:11 AM
when I want to get gravel / sand out, I use a grey water hose (like would be on your washing machine). It's at least 20mm in diameter. Gets it out quickly & without sending all the muck into the water column.

I'm still a fan of the planted tank, but only for adult discus.

04-19-2010, 02:29 AM
Do you mean somebody to hold onto your feet? :D
I have a pug....do dogs count?lol