View Full Version : Green water question

04-14-2010, 08:28 PM
Hi I have with 55gal tank with 4 discus and 2 rams and 1 pleco. Also I lots of plants and a sand bottom. My water parameters are as follows nitrate 20ppm,nitrite 0ppm, total hardness 75ppm, total alkalinity 0ppm, ph 6.2, temperature 86. I use tap water to do my water changes I do let it sit for 24hours be I do the water changes. But now have green water and how do I get to go away? Any help would be great thanks. I talked to my lfs and the owner told me I could use algae fix made for ponds did anyone ever use it in there tanks if you did how did you dose it my tank is a 55gal? :confused:

04-14-2010, 08:46 PM
20ppm nitates maybe the problem, how often are you changing the water? something is out of wack.

04-14-2010, 09:00 PM
20ppm nitates maybe the problem, how often are you changing the water? something is out of wack.
I do 20gal water changes every other day.

04-14-2010, 09:09 PM
maybe this link will help. I never have delt with this so I am flying blind here myself.http://www.content4reprint.com/pets-and-animals/tropical-aquariums-dealing-with-bacterial-and-algae-blooms.htm

04-14-2010, 09:58 PM
But now have green water and how do I get to go away? Any help would be great thanks. :confused:

Get a diatom filter and that will remove the free floating algae. You should run it for awhile even after the water looks clear again - if you don't and you leave some in there, the water will turn green again in a few days. Or you can get a UV sterilizer and that will zap the algae in the water column and in a few days, it will clear up.

This happens to a lot of people in the spring - I think the run off from the snow, etc... creates a change in the tap water chemistry enough to promote the green water.


04-14-2010, 10:27 PM
neon, to add to the advice wahter gave, not knowing how large your set up is using Ozone is also an option.

04-15-2010, 01:15 AM
Get a diatom filter and that will remove the free floating algae. You should run it for awhile even after the water looks clear again - if you don't and you leave some in there, the water will turn green again in a few days. Or you can get a UV sterilizer and that will zap the algae in the water column and in a few days, it will clear up.

This happens to a lot of people in the spring - I think the run off from the snow, etc... creates a change in the tap water chemistry enough to promote the green water.


If I get a diatom filter or UV sterilizer can I use it all the time as part of my tanks filtration ? Is this a good UV sterilizer JBJ submariner 9watt for up to 100 gallons as my tank is a 55gal if not then what UV sterilizer is good? Also what is a good diatom filter for a 55gal tank? I'm looking at my options on both before I buy one or the other

04-15-2010, 11:47 PM
If I get a diatom filter or UV sterilizer can I use it all the time as part of my tanks filtration ? Is this a good UV sterilizer JBJ submariner 9watt for up to 100 gallons as my tank is a 55gal if not then what UV sterilizer is good? Also what is a good diatom filter for a 55gal tank? I'm looking at my options on both before I buy one or the other

I'd recommend you search on 'UV sterilizer' and 'diatom filter' on the forum's search and see what some other people have said about the ones which they have purchased. I have an old diatom filter that was made by Tetra (no longer made) and a Current brand Gamma UV sterilizer (not sure if these are still being made - they are on the company's website, but not on some of the mailorder catalogs).

