View Full Version : Baby Goats!

04-23-2010, 10:09 AM
There's just about nothing cuter than baby goats and nothing makes my wife happier than a bunch of kids running around the property.:) We have 7 on the ground right now with 2 or 3 more coming. One died after a cold night:( and one was rejected by the doe and is now a bottle baby living in the house for a couple days. That one will be spoiled rotten to be sure.:p

I know there's a lot of animal lovers here, just thought I'd share!





04-23-2010, 10:16 AM
Cute pictures Steve! Is that your wife, with the goat standing on her back (never thought I'd ask somebody that question)? That picture is priceless.

Take care my friend,


04-23-2010, 10:20 AM
Cute pictures Steve! Is that your wife, with the goat standing on her back (never thought I'd ask somebody that question)? That picture is priceless.

Take care my friend,


LOL! yeah it is. She called me while I was working to come take that picture. The goat would jump up on her back then take a flying leap off down the hill. It was hilarious!:D

04-23-2010, 10:28 AM
Love the goat pics! Use to have a pet goat as a kid so I know how much fun they can be;)

BTW, do you guys raise them with a purpose or just for fun?

04-23-2010, 11:03 AM
Love the goat pics! Use to have a pet goat as a kid so I know how much fun they can be;)

BTW, do you guys raise them with a purpose or just for fun?

Just for fun. They're pet weed eaters.:p This is the third time we've had kids and maybe the last. My wife just can't part with them;) and the property isn't big enough to support any more.

John Crawford
04-23-2010, 11:04 AM
Nice pics Steve. Bit of a change from Discus..

Regards John...

04-23-2010, 11:10 AM
Goats were always my favorite animal on the farm growing up. They have so much personality.

04-23-2010, 12:03 PM
Wonderful picture Steve! Your goats are so lucky to have such a happy life. Right down the road from us is a farm with the following sign in their yard "Meat goats for sale". I try not to look over there...

04-23-2010, 01:40 PM
Wonderful picture Steve! Your goats are so lucky to have such a happy life. Right down the road from us is a farm with the following sign in their yard "Meat goats for sale". I try not to look over there...

Most of ours are meat goats (boer goats) but they aren't for sale.;) Our first goat experience was with this buck we were given. We ended up calling him Big Nasty and he was as mean as you want. One time he had my wife cornered in the tack room and she was using a saddle as a shield screaming, of course I'm outside laughing my a$$ off:D The day he rammed my youngest son who was 4 at the time and sent him flying through the air a sign went up on the road "free goat" and a very nice greek family picked him up. I didn't ask. They didn't say.

04-23-2010, 02:48 PM
I've read that goats will even eat poison ivy! I have some friends who have some poison ivy in their yards who would love to borrow a goat for awhile to eradicate that stuff. :)


Darrell Ward
04-23-2010, 03:43 PM
I've read that goats will even eat poison ivy! I have some friends who have some poison ivy in their yards who would love to borrow a goat for awhile to eradicate that stuff. :)


Problem is, it comes back from the roots. I had a problem with poison ivy growing up my pecan trees last year. I got some Roundup Poison Ivy/Brush Killer, and with one application (it took about 3 weeks) it killed it all. So far this year, it hasn't come back.

04-23-2010, 05:28 PM
I've read that goats will even eat poison ivy! I have some friends who have some poison ivy in their yards who would love to borrow a goat for awhile to eradicate that stuff. :)


Poison oak on this side of the country but same thing. Yes the goats make a b-line for it like it's candy.:) The thing about goats is they eat the poison oak, along with every other kind of brush, to the point that leaves don't have time to grow back and nourish the roots so eventually the whole plant dies. I watched them work on this 20x40 foot briar patch, by the time they were done I just had a few thick branches to throw in the burn pile. They ate the smaller twigs with thorns on them and everything!

04-23-2010, 08:26 PM
I am learning about goats here on the discus forum!

04-23-2010, 09:35 PM
Thats it, I'm going goat shopping:)

04-23-2010, 10:52 PM
Rent a goat to eat poison ivy:


04-27-2010, 08:19 PM
We used to have goats when I was a kid. (no pun intended) We still remind my little brother about the time he bent over acting like he was going to ram a goat with his head. The goat charged him and head butted... knocked my brother out cold. He never liked the goats after that.

04-28-2010, 01:02 PM
We used to have goats when I was a kid. (no pun intended) We still remind my little brother about the time he bent over acting like he was going to ram a goat with his head. The goat charged him and head butted... knocked my brother out cold. He never liked the goats after that.

Yeah after our first experience, I'm surprised my wife ever wanted to get another one and now we have a baby goat living in the house!:o

04-28-2010, 01:08 PM
We used to have goats when I was a kid. (no pun intended) We still remind my little brother about the time he bent over acting like he was going to ram a goat with his head. The goat charged him and head butted... knocked my brother out cold. He never liked the goats after that.

That got a good laugh out of me. There are so many adventures to be had with farm life.

04-28-2010, 05:50 PM
That got a good laugh out of me. There are so many adventures to be had with farm life.

Tell me about it. My wife and I were raised as urbanites. I didn't even own a dog till we moved up here 10 years ago now it's a veritable zoo!:) With the exception of having some of our animals eaten by the local wildlife, it's been an awesome experience for all of us, I think the kids especially.

Here's another pic of the bottle baby. We call him Wompa after the Star Wars snow monster. He's pure white and came out of a doe that's pure black, go figure. It's been crappy weather here off and on so he's had to stay in the house but he's about to get booted.:D


David Rose
04-28-2010, 06:30 PM
Nice shots...great to see you kids....LOL

05-04-2010, 05:36 PM
Love the kids! And your wife is gorgeous!

05-05-2010, 12:27 PM
Check out this shot! Super cute!!


05-05-2010, 03:08 PM
Oh my god, that is precious!