View Full Version : Now what do I do???

04-25-2010, 12:54 PM
Well, I went to do a water change and look what I found...

Here is the bummer, I have no clue what do do, and I was actually considering selling everyone since I have been so busy with work lateley traveling. I have still been able to do the intensive water changes, but to say life has been busy lately is an understatement. I am filled with joy and dread at the same time right now.

I put a tank divider in to keep the others away. These are the fish I bought from Mike at Central Ohio Discus last december. they were only 2 inches when i got them, and this pair is the biggest of the lot at about 5 inches now.


P.S. sorry about the crappy pics...I had to use my iphone since the battery in the camera was dead...darn kids...LOL.




04-25-2010, 01:00 PM
Why don't you see if the eggs hatch and you get some fry first? Most likely it will take the parents (if they are male and female - I've had lesbian females lay eggs with each other before) a few tries to successfully spawn anyway. In the meantime, just go out and get a 20 gallon tank IF you want to breed them. Or you can sell the pair as a proven pair (more $$$).


04-25-2010, 01:12 PM

I think I caused some trouble...I went back to check on them after I posted the pics, and they ate the eggs. I must have caused too much disturbance with putting in the divider.

They still are showing a united front against the rest of the pack, but we will see what happens. They are beautiful fish, and I would love to see some offspring, but who knows, but again, I just dont know if I have the time, blah. Life is crazy sometimes.

Thanks for the input Wahter!