View Full Version : Mixing strains of Discus

Aquatic Reef Creations
04-25-2010, 10:48 PM
I will be setting up a discus tank in the next 6-8 weeks. I am still working out the details as to whether I am going to go BB or planted. That is another topic.
My question is this. I want to have 6-8 Discus in my 120. The 120 is reef ready with overflows and a sump.
My goal would be to have 2 fish of 3 or 4 different strains. This will be a new tank set up. How would I go about putting the different fish together? Should I get 2, QT them and then add to the 120, buy 2 more QT them and then add them and so on? Ideally I would be able to find a breeder that has various strains in different tanks that are all centrally filtered. That way the water conditions would be the same throughout the different tanks.
I don't want to have all the same strains of fish. Does this make sense?
At this point I am planning on BB tank with some driftwood pieces. May attach some plants to the driftwood. I would like to have some other dither fish as well. I will figure that out before I get started. My main concern would be how to acclimate the different fish from different suppliers.

04-25-2010, 11:48 PM
you can mix strain but strongly advise to get it from the same source/supplier. Mixing source is only asking for trouble learned my lesson : )

04-26-2010, 01:37 AM
My main concern would be how to acclimate the different fish from different suppliers.

That can be tricky - are you absolutely sure you can't get all of the strains you want from the same breeder/ importer? which ones are you looking for?


Aquatic Reef Creations
04-26-2010, 02:12 AM
Thanks for the replies. I would love to be able to find a semi-local breeder with the various strains that I am looking for.
Red Turqs
Pigeon Snakeskin
Blue Diamond
Cobalt Blue
Marlboro Red
Stendker Tefe
Fire Red

I realize that this is more than what I initially posted. I would like to have 2 of each strain that I get. I have a 120 that I am going to set up and I am trying to decide which strains to go with without having to second mortgage the house. These descriptions came from Discus Hans website. I can't begin to imagine what these would cost + shipping from Hans.
What would be the max # of adults you would put in a 120? My plan is to take juvies and grow them up in the 120.
P.S. I'm in Indiana.

04-26-2010, 02:20 AM
Well the general thumb rule is 1 adult/ 10 gallons.

If you're doing BB, it's just that simple.

I'd recommend you get fish from the same supplier. If you like the fish fom Hans, just get them all at once from him. Shipping for 10-12 juvies shouldn't be too bad.

04-26-2010, 08:43 AM
If that is the list that you want then make your life easy and just email Hans. You will be miles ahead in the long run.


04-26-2010, 08:54 AM
I agree,for sure go with one seller,there are quite a few listed on Simply....do some reading and after that I would e-mail some of them to see if they have the strains you want,what the price of the fish and the shipping cost...like the other have said,Hans has great fish,so does Kenny and others listed.
Like I said,research first then buy.
hope this helps...any other questions just ask


04-26-2010, 09:01 AM
If that is the list that you want then make your life easy and just email Hans. You will be miles ahead in the long run.


Ditto, get them directly from Hans!


04-26-2010, 09:28 AM
Those are all Stendker strains, so Hans has them all! Get all of them in one order (or ask around your area if someone wants to order with you and split the shipping costs).



Aquatic Reef Creations
04-26-2010, 09:12 PM
Thanks for the replies. I did send Hans an email and got a response. Gonna have to dig into the fish fund. May see if there are any locals that would be interested in splitting the shipping when the time comes.

04-26-2010, 09:31 PM
Thanks for the replies. I did send Hans an email and got a response. Gonna have to dig into the fish fund. May see if there are any locals that would be interested in splitting the shipping when the time comes.
I know the shipping cost seems high the first time you're ordering, but it's really worth it if your only other option is to get lower quality fish locally. It'll actually save you money and a lot of headache in the long run.

The down side is that you can't hand pick your discus. But if you work with the seller and tell him what's important for you, you can actually get better fish than if you had chosen them yourself! Specially when you're new and don't know what to look for.

04-26-2010, 10:19 PM
Not to be dissing Hans, at all, but I feel compelled to plug another of our sponsors at this point- Kenny's Discus. Doing business with him is a pleasure and a privilege- I have no regrets whatsoever...

I personally like a tankful of the same variety, preferably siblings. It's just... easier, for a lot of reasons, but to each their own... Growing discus require lots of food and clean water if they're to reach their full potential, so BB tanks and an easy water changing system facilitate that...